There was a wild thunderstorm last night, even a tornado warning that sent me to the basement for a half-hour or so. I got Zoe to come with me, but not Ray. I didn't watch too much of My Cousin Vinny (I've seen it a lot and love it), because I was watching the lightning and listening to the rain and thunder from my bed with all the lights out. It was awesome! I hope it was not harmful to the vegetable garden. I set out some squash plants that would love the rain, as long as it didn't flatten them or wash away the soil around their roots.
Yesterday morning we played racquetball, although I was not at all into it. I went by ALT and talked politics with Cathi, spent some time at ALPS doing the books, and attended a presentation at the university about Second Life, a vitual world with some possible education applications. There was an old woman there, Laura, who is trying to get someone to put her research on children and art on line. She says she can't die until she knows someone is going to take responsiblity for it. The moderator of the panel was David Noah, Luke's dad from Montessori. It was very interesting, but I was torn between wanting to dive in and figure out something cool to do with the technology and thinking, "man, this is another trap to use up people's time and not really gain anything!" They have a simulation of the Sistine Chapel and you (your avatar, which you can make look any way you want) can fly up to it. Supposedly there is a simulation that allows you to experience what it is like to be schizophrenic, which is helpful for people working with those who have the disease.
Then to the grocery store, gathering ingredients for quiche day. I need to make 3 or 4 quiches, to serve 22 for Easter at Janna's tomorrow.
Tuscan White Bean Soup
Best creamy Tuscan white bean soup packed with aromatics, herbs, veggies,
beans and kale. An authentic Zuppa Etrusca / Zuppa Toscana finished with a
18 hours ago
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