It was a beautiful day yesterday, sunny and not too warm. First I made quiche crusts. We went to Kroger and got half and hafl and sour cream (for the quiches). Then we took a dead peach tree back to Cofer, where they have a guarantee and replaced it for free. We also bought some netting to keep deer from eating it. We planted the peach and surrounded it and the two apple trees with netting, attached to bamboo stakes with twist-ties. Also mulched them with manure and wood chips. I started working on a strawberry bed. I only have 2 plants right now, but will make the space for 20 or 30. I did a little weeding in the vegetable garden, watered the baby plants in pots, and thought about where to plant them.
Ray gave tractor rides on Matilda to a lot of small children. It was our neighbor, Miles's, fifth birthday.

We were outside most of the day and I was enjoying it. About 5 we went in to get cleaned up and think about supper--and make the four quiches for Janna's Easter party today. Ray made us supper while I did most of the quiches, alhough he did cut up zucchini, asparagus, leeks and broccoli for me.
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