
Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Fall in the City

Cambridge library
I was only home for 5 days this time and they were busy ones. I did a lot of baking and didn't have much time for anything else. It was my last time at the Farmers' Market. I doubt that I'll be selling baked goods to the public again. I enjoyed it, although I would not describe it as "lucrative." I learned a lot and will miss the people.
Treated myself to a special lunch at a French bakery...ate all the dessert, but not all the sandwich.
I did see some of my good friends, watched the movie "Brooklyn" at Cine, and sang on Sunday morning before hopping on the shuttle to the airport.
Shopping for Thanksgiving...on foot, of course!
fudge pecan pie
apple pie, for Tamara and my Dad
This is the way we make sweet potatoes for Thanksgiving
Tamara goes to the Rainbow Ball
My Dad's favorite part of Thanksgiving: pie for breakfast
we spent a little time on the Cape: Ray and Barbara
When I got to Boston, it was still light out, but the sun had gone down before I left the terminal with my luggage. No checked bags this time, just a (large) purse and a rolling suitcase. I could do with even less if it weren't for carrying my laptop back and forth. It's really too heavy to carry by hand--the reason I switched from my beloved boat bag to the rolling case. I also brought the menorah, so I could celebrate Hanukah with Molli and Tamara here. 

ate at the Yarmouthport Inn, Barbara's favorite
 All was fine at work, although they did not seem to have missed me much. I got my hair cut while I was in Athens and no one has noticed.

also breakfast with the girls

lobster roll!

blueberry bushes in Fall
I looked at an apartment near here yesterday and I"m really torn. Of course, it's a great deal at only $1700 a will take most of my earnings every month, but the rest of my expenses are covered by my husband. It is really nice, hardwood floors, updated bath and kitchen, and only a block from Molli. Of course, I won't have any furniture or kitchen stuff (except what she shares with me), but that's okay. The question is how much do I (and they) need the privacy? Obviously, I can still cook for them and be around as much as they need me. Is it worth the money? Alternatively, how much time do we want to spend with three of us in a 2 bedroom 1 bath apartment? And, of course, hopefully, Adrian will be back one of these days.

How much do I love my job here? How secure is it? Are they likely to keep me on, increase my pay? How lonely will I be, spending the majority of my time in a tiny apartment by myself? Or will I love it? Is it time to be a grown up? I know I will miss the natural spaces around my house, and the beautiful house itself, not to mention the company of my devoted husband and many friends.

Star Wars brownie birthday cake (with no dairy)
Frost on oregano
Someone in Athens said it was like being a 20-year-old again. This is the kind of thing people do when they're right out of college and trying to find themselves. It doesn't really feel the same to me. I'm not looking for love, or even friends, really. I'm happy to be gainfully employed at a worthwhile organization. I like the lifestyle of walking and taking transit.

There are some things I will really enjoy about being alone, like making every decision based on what I want...even though they are little ones, like what to watch on TV when (not that I'll have a TV) or not worrying about bothering anyone else when I get up.

And I'll look forward to having Ray (and maybe other people) visit me.