
Tuesday, June 30, 2009

The nicest thing about really unbearable hot weather is how much you appreciate it when it gets down to 60 degrees. We have all the windows open and even had to turn off the overhead fan last night. Humidity must be pretty low--it feels great! Of course, it was still in the 90s during the day and the garden really needs rain. I have to buy some fencing and get those strawberries planted before they die. But I know the deer will eat them down to nothing unless we have a good fencing strategy.

I worked 4 hours yesterday, then went swimming, then went to volunteer at the ALPS. Gloria had begged me to meet her, but she wasn't there. Then a housing counseling meeting, then class--tomorrow is the last one!

Ray made supper and then I spent hours watching TV, including the movie Holes, which was so fun. It reminded me of the Natalie Babbitt books.

Monday, June 29, 2009

One of the benefits of working is sometimes it is restful compared to the weekend. I am looking forward to it because I won't have to worry about anything else while I am there. Yesterday was a good, but busy day.

Vanessa went out for a walk before 7 and still found it hot by the time she got back. When I went out to walk, our neighbor, Sky, asked if I wanted to pick some blueberries and I said "yes!" We had blueberry pancakes for breakfast. Ray and I enjoyed the service--Dan Everett spoke about the economy and how it is an opportunity not to go back to "business as usual." We had lunch at the Fellowship. Then I picked up Janna and we met Vanessa for some shopping at Ann Taylor Loft, Coldwater Creek and Talbot's. I got a fun skirt and a lavender t-shirt.

Then I met Sara Ruth to work on our project, which she will resubmit to him today and I hope it will be ok this time. We have two more classes, and then 10 days to do our course (teaching budgeting to homeless people) and prepare our final presentation in class July 10.

The really good news is I was able to get tickets to go to Seattle! Admittedly, it will be a little crazy and I hate leaving my parents here alone, but after we go to Mexico for 10 days, I will work 3 days (payroll, etc.) and then leave again for Seattle, which is a place I love, and I will meet my new niece, Lidet!!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Oh yes, I love the air conditioning in the morning. It hit 100 in downtown Athens yesterday, and today is predicted to be the same. Ray and I spent an hour sitting at the Democrats' table at Athfest. There were lots of people there, although I think the heat cut into attendance some. There were people there with their small children, pink-skinned, hair plastered to their heads. There were children's activities, like the bouncy thing they do in harnesses. I do not know what parents are thinking! Probably I was just as bad...but it is one thing to fry yourself in 100 degree weather to listen to music, but please be responsible adults when it comes to your kids!

Disaster struck--when I went out to do some work in the garden yesterday morning, the deer had broken down the netting and eaten every beautiful almost-ripe peach, as well as breaking the branches and eating a lot of the leaves. They never touched in until the smell of the ripening peaches attracted them, I guess. I think if we put a fence around the trees and keep Zoe in there, they will stay away. Ray and I went and looked at fencing--it would be over $200 and I am not sure he and I are skilled enough to put up a really tall fence. And it is too hot anyway.

We had been planning to go to Miller Blueberries and pick yesterday morning (early, before the heat), but when I called, they have run out of ripe berries and are waiting a few days. I think the lack of rain may be a factor. We have had several dozen berries from our six bushes and enjoyed them. I am sure we will have plenty in years to come, a lovely thought.

The four of us went to a UUFA fondue party at Stacy and Toni's house starting at 6. It was in the garage and back yard and it was something of a disappointment. The food was good. We had to pay $7 per person for meat (chicken, beef, shrimp) and we brought different vegetables. However, there were 2 pots of broth and two of oil. I guess some people were concerned about the healthiness of cooking things in boiling oil. Well, you can imagine that sticking a vegetable in a pot of boiling vegetable broth does not cook it right away. Some of the pots took a long time to heat up. They were all electric, unlike the kind we used to use, with sterno. And there were probably 40 people milling around, trying to spear pieces of food and cook them. So it took a long time. Also, they had cut some of the meat up too small. Then there were fruits and pound cake with chocolate fondue--yum! We enjoyed the people and the setting, but it was way too hot and buggy to eat fondue outdoors. So, it was a mixed evening. Naturally, we came up with lots of ways we could do it better next time. Maybe 6 or 8 to a fondue pot--?

I also got some very negative feedback from my professor and have to redo my course plan. Sara Ruth and I are meeting today and hopefully figuring it out.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Ah, Saturday morning. It is a little cooler (70 maybe) and we have the windows open, even though it is really too humid. I wake up a little before 5:30, no urgency, but plenty to do. The birds are singing and it will be light soon, there is even a rooster. After 15 minutes or so, I get up and go to my computer, looking forward to reading emails and even paying bills. Alas! Again the wireless network needs to be reset. I hate going all the way down to the basement in the dark when I'm barely awake, but that's what it takes--unplug everything for a minute and plug it back in. It's cooler in the basement. And now I am back on line.

Yesterday I did payroll. It is not particularly hard, but I have to wait for the director to approve the time sheets before I put the numbers in. I double check everything, because this is important and pretty much impossible to change. So I didn't leave until 2:30. Then Ray and I swam a bit and ran some errands before coming home. Captain and Vanessa had been to the Tanger Outlet Mall to get him some new boots (Timberlands) and socks. Then he peeled the tomatoes for me to make sauce--our own tomatoes and peppers and herbs, as well as a salad all from the garden--cucumbers, lettuce, cherry tomatoes.

Vanessa and Ray and I went to games night. It was fun; Ray and I played Trivial Pursuit. His team won, of course. Vanessa played what she described as a dumb game, buying artworks, I think, but she won. That girl likes to play games! We were home by 9:30 to eat the rest of Thursday's peach pie--yum!

Friday, June 26, 2009

just a few of our many cucumbers

I am feeling very happy and contented today (maybe because I didn't do any school work for the last 24 hours). Thursday is the day I work in the morning, go out to lunch, come back to work and go to yoga at 4. Ray and I had lunch together. Now I have a new (old) desk at work, with a place for the computer and new carpeting, it is more fun to be at work. Yoga was wonderful, although Amy (the teacher) gave us some rosemary oil, for energy, and I had trouble with the meditation part (what they call monkey mind, can't stop thinking about stuff). Supposedly, rosemary is also good for inflammation. Steep some in boiling water, and inhale.

Vanessa had spent several hours at the dentist, so I was wanting to make something that would be easy to eat. Meanwhile, the Captain wanted me to use garden produce (of course). So...chard omelettes! yum. Make an individual omelette, put a dab of chopped chard or spinach, mixed with cream cheese and milk, and roll it up. Ray went to the Democrats' meeting and got home just in time to eat with us. A few TV shows and bed. I did wake up at 3:30 (could it be the rosemary...or the heat?), but managed to go back to sleep until the alarm at 5:30.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

I am a little less panicked now. Yesterday I finished the work that was due the day before and most of yesterday's too. Today a draft of our final project is due and I haven't started it...but it is due at midnight. No potluck for me!

At work yesterday, I was thrashing around emptying my desk because we got some new donated furniture from an organization that is closing down. The desk I have is nice heavy polished wood, with locking file drawers. The desk I am getting is not nearly as nice, but it has a place to put a computer--yay! Alison decided we should get new carpet while the desks were out of the offices (she is getting one too), so she went to Lowe's and bought some remnants for $100. When I go in this morning, I will have carpet, but no desk. It will be delivered at 9 it was a pretty crazy day.

Ray and I went to the pool for a little while. Then school work. Then we went to a dinner in Watkinsville, at St. Theophilia (that's not quite it), the Greek Orthodox church. There is a new program called Bread for Life where they teach people to make rolls, as well as lots of other skills at the same time. Five of them graduated and there was a wonderful banquet dinner. Alison is on the board and was trying to get more people to come. (it was free). There are a lot of good things about the program and the food was great, but it seems like a very expensive way to train 5 people. And they still need to find jobs now. Fred Smith (Sr.) is apparently the assistant Labor Commissioner (to Michael Thurmond). He spoke and I asked him to say hi to the boys for me. He is not a great public speaker and I wondered if that is why he encouraged them to be good at it. He also called on God a lot.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Yay! Amelia made reservations for us, although it is $600 each... She took over and spent time being frustrated by Orbitz, including calling a service rep, who hung up on her. Don't use Orbitz! She had to book 2 separate flights, which I thought was the idea of Travelocity and Orbitz...maybe their day in the sun is ending.

I worked hard (we had a site visit and I have to request a budget change for the end of the grant year), had a nice time at the pool, including dozing when I was trying to read my text book. Then I worked on school all the rest of the day until 11, except a break for dinner. I have more to do from yesterday, including an assignment due at noon, and a first draft of our project due tomorrow. I hope that he will be forgiving, because it's just not possible. The chapter I read last night had 60 pages!

Monday, June 22, 2009

I am so frustrated! Yesterday morning, the flights were all $100 more! (per person). This morning, I am back to the situation I had Saturday. The flights I want show up, but when I click on them, it says, due to high activity, this flight is not available. I started with 5 or 6 choices and clicked on all of them eventually, and none are available. Not long ago, it was about half that price.

Captain & Vanessa got home yesterday. They enjoyed their trip, especially the Carl Sandburg home. I think V. would have stayed longer, but he gets antsy.

Worked on church business some, worked outside a little. Ray was digging up the place we will plant the strawberries. Even though it was over 90 and it was Father's Day.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

The last time we were in Mexico, 2007

OK, I am freaking out! Yesterday, while I was Skyping with Amelia and Molli, we were trying to book our flights to Mexico. They were more expensive than we had expected, but we were able to line up our flights with Amelia, so we flew together from Houston to Mexico and Mexico to Veracruz. But when I clicked on the flight, it said sorry, due to increased traffic that flight is not available (or some such). I tried 3 or 4 times. Amelia was able to get hers, but I could not book mine. I called Orbitz, they tried, they got the same results. I said, I'll try first thing sunday morning, it will surely be better then. Now it is $100 more! Man, this is when you wish money didn't matter.

Other than that, and the incredible heat, we had a lovely time yesterday. dinner with friends, a quiet day. Ray mowed the lawn, even though it was almost 100 degrees!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

The Biltmore (we were there with Sushanth, a couple years ago)

It's a little early here, but that's what happens when you go to bed at 9! And it's too hot for sleeping in. It's down to 75 outside, but over 80% humidity. Plus I have lots to do.

The Captain and Vanessa called from Asheville. They were all settled in their motel and had spent most of the day at the Biltmore Estates. They were not over-tired and were looking forward to dinner at some restaurant with Frog in the name (not the Frog and Peach).

I worked yesterday morning, went to the pool for a while (it was so nice) and then helped Peggy Galis get back on line. By the time we stopped at Kroger and two banks, it was almost five when we got home. I did have to do a little schoolwork, but am saving the big push for Sunday.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Georgia in the summertime! Waking up sweaty, with hair sticking to your neck. We had a thunderstorm yesterday afternoon, which was good for the garden and cooled it off some. It is predicted to hit 99 today and 100 tomorrow.

It is my parents' 61st anniversary today and they are driving up to Ashville. I have such mixed feelings about this. I am really excited about having the house to ourselves, maybe cleaning some, playing loud music at all hours, wearing next to no clothes. But I worry about them driving and I am sure they will get worn out, touring the Biltmore and walking around Ashville, which is a small city I like a lot.

We have friends coming to dinner tomorrow and I am trying to plan a menu that requires no cooking: pasta salad with garden veggies, frozen strawberry pie, hummus... it will be too hot to work in the garden much.

Yesterday, I worked in the morning, had lunch with friends, volunteered at ALPS, went to yoga, ate dinner, watched TV and went to bed. I did not even look at my school work! I will have to catch up this weekend when it is too hot to do anything else!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

another old picture

I worked in the morning. Alison did not come in. I stayed a little late to see her, but she texted Kerri that she wasn't feeling well. I hope she will be there today. I picked up Ray and we met Vanessa and the Captain at Target. They bought us a little table for our anniversary--for cocktail hour on the deck!

We have been married 32 years today. Sometimes it seems like forever, but mostly it seems like no time at all has passed and I am still the same person I was. I have mostly followed my heart. It was certainly not a goal of mine to be married by the tiime I was 22. We waited a while to have children. In fact, my parents were astonished when we told them I was pregnant.

I came home, worked on my class, ate with my parents, worked on my class, watched some TV thanks to DVR, and went to bed.

In the night, there was a great thunderstorm, so this morning is cool and wet, thank goodness! (all the clocks were flashing, but Ray has fixed most of them). It is 67 out now, but 94 is projected for today's high--and 100 for tomorrow! yuck.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Sushanth, Patty, Ray

I found this picture from a couple years ago when I was deleting files on my computer.

Yesterday morning I dropped my mother off at yoga, Ray downtown to take a bus to his office, and got to my work at 8:02. I worked for 4 hours, including buying groceries. The children are in camp and need sunscreen, which is not cheap. At noon, Ray and I met at Legion Pool. It is so relaxing there. I could stay all day. I even read a novel. Then we came home and I worked on my class some, had a pleasant dinner, watched TV and went to bed at a decent hour. I found myself at bedtime wondering what was missing--I had work, play, exercise, time with Ray...maybe cause I didn't do any cooking? Or maybe the Polly syndrome: are we having fun yet? Or is that all there is? I didn't talk to Amelia, but I did talk to Molli. Maybe not enough volunteer work...I didn't talk to any of my friends. I didn't do any gardening. I think maybe it is lack of kids at my house.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I am so groggy these last couple of mornings when I wake up. Perhaps it's the hot humid weather that is summer in Athens and keeps me from sleeping really well. Too hot and humid to open the windows, but not quite hot enough to keep the ac running full blast (which is good).

I am also spending lots of time on my intensive summer course on Instructional Design. This means figuring out the best way to plan classes and lessons of all kinds, keeping in mind exactly what you want the students to learn, breaking it down to the most basic level. Dr. Rieber expects a lot of homework every day and I have a partner/team mate who counts on me.

We had a busy weekend--there was a Land Trust Open House Friday night. I attended, as did my whole family. So did Alison and her daughter and Jessica, a Vista volunteer from the Shelter. I was introducing people to each other all evening--and having a grand time.

After we took Captain and Vanessa home, we went to Benders to drop off their video and wish them well. They left Saturday for Washington DC. I am a little jealous of their new life, but I guess I'd rather live here!

Saturday morning we all went to listen to our state representatives, Keith Heard and Doug McKillip. I was very proud of them; they seem knowledgeable and hard-working. There are, however, 75 Democrats in the Georgia House and 105 Republicans. They say they can't really do much until we get some more Democrats in office--maybe a Governor.

Then I went to work for a couple hours to get more training from Jane. It was fine. She seems concerned about the Shelter. We are coming to the end of the grant period for most of our grants (June 30) and it would be bad not to have spent all the money on the things they will reimburse us for.

Well, got to go!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Thursday I worked all day, except for lunch with Janna and yoga at 4. Yoga was great. Any free time is taken up by class work. Meals are left to others to deal with.

Yesterday after work, we went to the pool again. There were two cute little girls (2 or 3 years old) with their Moms. We enjoyed watching them and remembered how exhausting it was! Jessie's Mom told her to sit on the side of the pool while the friend and her Mom were right there. when Mom 1 came back (from the bathroom?), Jessie was of course in the water with her friend, so Mom said, "ok we're leaving--I told you to stay and you didn't." Jessie had a loud brief tantrum, but seemed to be distracted by a bag of goldfish crackers.

Last night, we went to ALT's Open House. Aside from the fun of seeing a wonderful old house being renovated for offices for a great organization (preserving some big old magnolias and pecans, too), I saw a lot of people I knew and was able to introduce them to my husband, my parents and my boss. Alison was properly impressed. Captain seemed to enjoy himself. There was a Cecilia Villaveces cake and lots of other food.

When we got home, I realized I had forgotten to take the Benders their video, so Ray and I drove back and gave it to them. They are leaving in the morning and we will miss them. Then we picked up a few things at Kroger. Remind me not to go there on Friday nights. The deli was closed and there were a lot of people there.

Thursday, June 11, 2009


Well, it is has been so hectic trying to get my classwork done the last few days, I haven't even had time to blog!

Thinking back to Tuesday, Ray and I went swimming at Legion Pool and ate our lunch there. It was very relaxing and brought back lots of memories of swimming there with our small children. There were (mostly Moms) and small children and we didn't know any of them. It was kind of strange, actually. The water was cool and we got a little exercise and had fun. Of course, we had to buy ice cream too. When we got home, I worked on homework and Ray made supper (goulash) while the Captain took Vanessa to the dentist. She had a tooth filled, but it seemed to go well. At 5:00, I had to be on the computer. At 7, I rushed to the Fellowship for the Board meeting. Now I have a couple important tasks to get done for that too. But the meeting was pleasant (since I didn't have to run it?).

Yesterday, same routine: go to work, go to the pool, come home. But I had my school work pretty much caught up, so I used those few hours to finish the Benders' video and burn a DVD of it. Class and then potluck and the last choir rehearsal for this year. Captain and Vanessa went out to dinner at Porterhouse for their monthly treat.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Didn't you just know it was too good to be true? My boss is depressed, she has been out sick for a couple days. She is having a major conflict with the Board...but don't worry, she's not going to just walk away like she heard I did. My challenge is to keep doing my job, try to be supportive without getting involved, and not let it get to me. We also spent an hour yesterday at the bank trying to get me on the signature card, but the particular person we dealt with was really difficult and had some computer issues, too. I worked 7 hours without a break and then I had to hurry to the meeting place for the carpool. Six of us drove together to Gwinnett for class. The professor drove, and he dropped the TA's off at their homes before taking us back to the meeting place where we left our cars, costing me about 45 mnutes. Plus I have a lot of work for this class.

Monday, June 8, 2009

I am tired. I stayed up till 11 watching the Tonys. It was fun. There are so many great shows on Broadway now, I really want to go see some of them. Last time I was there, I didn't feel that way. It used to be shows based on movies or revivals. Amelia says that the economy forced a lot of things to close and that made way for some new interesting things to open. Of course, it was fun to see the cast of Hair again and Oskar Eustis, since Amelia worked on that show in the park before it was on Broadway and I saw it.

I feel like I keep more things on my mind when I am sleeping these days. They say you don't sleep as well as you get older. LIttle bits of the plots of shows from the Tonys were swirling around in my head all night and I woke up too early.

Vanessa went with us to church yesterday morning and it was fun. I didn't have to sing and Ray sat with us too.

Then we came home and had salad nicoise for lunch, with garden lettuce. There was some tension because we had a woman coming to clean. Ray didn't like the plate he had and got up to change it. I was unhappy with him and commented on it. The Captain asked if we could please just enjoy our meal and not bicker. When I said I would just leave the table, he told me to go to hell. Then the cleaning lady called--she was outside in her car.

The cleaning lady is named Patricia Gomez (or Gonzales, I forget). She did not speak much English and I didn't have all the vocabulary I needed, but showed her the house and asked her to start by cleaning the two upstairs bathrooms. I told her not ot move anything. After about 2 hours, she was ready to do the vacuuming. I asked her how much we owed her so far. She said seventy. I knew we only had 80 dollars in cash among us, because we had discussed it earlier and I thought she probably preferred to be paid in cash. She said you don't want me to vacuum? I said I do but we can't pay for any more. I said I would call her. She asked if I liked the work she had done. Vanessa and Ray and I agreed it was very good. She said she worked for a year at the Hilton. She had even folded the washcloths into pretty shapes. She said it was very dirty. I am sure it was and that is probably a very competitve rate. But I only make $15 an hour. I don't want to take advantage of anyone, but I can't really see spending that much on a regular basis. At least now the bathrooms are clean.

After she left, the Captain and Vanessa were fighting. Ray and I went to Watkinsville to get peaches. We also got peach ice cream cones, and onions and tomatoes. When we came home, everything seemed to be fine.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Weekends are definitely more enjoyable when you are working! Although other people don't seem to feel the need to be doing something all the time, like I do.

Unfortunately, yesterday morning was misting. It was quite pleasant for walking, but too wet for the gardening I had planned. Today looks perfect: sunny, not yet hot, but looking like it will be. The garden will probably enjoy some hot sunny weather to get things ripening. I have been thinking for weeks that the blueberries would be ready soon...and wondering if the birds would eat them instead of us. Mind you, there is only a handful.

I was a little reluctant to go to "Spa Day" at Janna's. Her friend Nancy got to talk about how much she liked the Beauty Culture (maybe that's not the name) line of skin care products. Debbie V., Becky, Pat W., and Alice B. were there too. It was fun to see them all, but you know I have little patience for that kind of thing. It all felt great, but I didn't buy anything. Janna seemed to be enjoying it and I'm sure it would be good for me, but I still have the stuff I bought the last time she did this with some other brand, about 20 years ago. No point in buying stuff you won't use. Soon we will see if I start looking older than her from not using skin care products all these years! Debbie V.'s hair looked great--it is still really curly, but she has stopped coloring it, and it is shot through with gray; looks like highlights. Sam has graduated but has not found work as a landscape architect. Then Janna made a salad bar (lettuce from our garden, spinach, arugula, peppers, cucumber, toasted nuts, two kinds of cheese, etc...). We also had bread and butter. It was good, but you know I always want dessert...I kind of wanted to stay and do something else and go out to dinner and the movies, but I went home.

It was really too hot to do much outside, although Ray went out and stacked some wood. I worked a little on the Bender video; must get it to them before Saturday. I don't know what to do for the transitions from one speaker to the next. I guess I need to insert some black slides.

After supper, Ray and Mom and I went to Cine. Debbie V. had suggested they were in some financial trouble. We would all hate for them to close. So I joined ($60 for 2), which means we get $2 off every movie we see, making it $6 each. And we got root beer floats and popcorn and a cookie. Sometimes we get champagne--I had trouble deciding between root beer float and champagne!

It was an interesting movie and I watched the cinematography some...very gritty scenes from the point of view of driving a cab, mostly at night, and living in a cheap motel. Among other things, it's about different cultures.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

I need to stay up later so I won't wake up so early.

We had a fun time at Mary Erlanger's pool party last night. Captain enjoyed Lisa Brown and then was talking for a while with Jim Ponsoldt and the Muthes. Charlie Eidsvik was trying to tell Ray how wonderful this bottle of wine was, but Ray said unless it's really awful I can't tell the difference... Charlie is usually so quiet, it was fun to see him animated. It must have been something Michael had collected. Mary has given some of her art to the Georgia Museum and OCAF. She is leaving next month.

Work was slightly stressful yesterday. There are some things that need to be turned in by 5:00 Monday. Alison was sick. I need to make sure I keep my perspective and don't worry too much about things at work. I also had a woman come to the door who is about to lose her home. She was crying and I wanted to help her.

Ray and I played racquetball--he won two long games. 15-9, 15-10 or something like that.

I started my next class, doing some online things.

Friday, June 5, 2009

I slept better last night, except for the cramp in my ankle that woke me up painfully. It rained off and on yesterday and pretty steadily last night. Captain was pretty happy. I worked until 3:30, except for lunch with Becky. Then I went to yoga. After yoga, I had to pick Ray up at the library from the Democratic Committee Executive Committee meeting. He wasn't going to be done until 7, so I went to Borders and had a soda and meandered around, buying a few cheap books and one new make-ahead cookbook. It was so pleasant to not have to say to myself, "you can't buy anything, you can't look at anything." Of course, I still can't go crazy with it, but it makes such a difference to have a job.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

I did not sleep very well last night. I dreamed I was editing! My back is sore. I threw it out brushing my teeth yesterday morning. And it is hot and humid and my head aches.

but I have a job!

After I worked yesterday morning, I went to ALPS and worked there for a few hours. They actually made money from Sleeping Beauty!

Then I picked up Ray and we came home, made a salad, went to potluck and choir--a short rehearsal.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Phew! I made it. I am tired and sore--even my eyes hurt--from too much time working on the computer, editing my videos for class. They are done, maybe not the best in the class, but certainly something to be proud of. I learned a lot in just 3 weeks and hope I will be able to use it in some way in the future. This one is the least polished, and includes copyrighted music that should not be distributed.

And I have a job! I can't tell you how much joy I get from reminding myself of that fact often. And sympathy for the many other people who do not. On Sunday, I read the business section of the paper as I have almost every Sunday for more than two years. And I didn't have to look at the jobs!

Yesterday, I went grocery shopping for the shelter. I was buying breakfast and lunch for 20 people. There is a basic list on my computer.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

OK, I am now officially stressed out and sleep-deprived. I was probably asleep by midnight, but awake again by 4:30, without having slept really well in between. I'll survive!

I have a more or less finished final video, thanks to Casey's music and some old CD's of services with Karen's voice on them. There are about a hundred things that could be better on it. We will see what the committee thinks and what changes they might want. Karen wants to show it at the meeting tonight. During the few hours that I have this afternoon, I will burn it to a DVD (and make a copy for her), as well as finish the other, "free topice" video, which I am doing about energy-efficient housing.

As far as work, it was about the same. The pattern is: I look at the things in my inbox and the deadlines coming up and try to figure out what I need to do, by studying Jane's written instructions and previous examples. I do what I can and make a list of questions to ask Alison. She arrives (yesterday it was 11:30), partly answers one or two questions, talks for an hour or so about something slightly related, usually in a more big-picture way, and then it's time for me to go. She suggested that maybe I should work longer hours on fewer days. I am thinking maybe 8-12 some days and 8-3 some days, with a lunch break...

Early in the morning, the families that live at the shelter are getting up and leaving (supposedly by 9).This morning, there was a lot of noisy toddler sounds, which is fine. I could have closed my door if I had something tricky to get done. One Mom came in to complain about how cold it had been the night before and her baby woke up several times. I turned the AC off. I wonder if it was too hot last night.

A couple of hours to work on my videos before going to work...

Monday, June 1, 2009

Party at the Boss's House

Yesterday morning: work on video, go to church (Ray & I got to sit together, no obligations), stay for lunch and meetings about calling a settled minister. The visiting minister was a woman and made me acutally think, "I could do that." Then we were home briefly to get a salad made and headed downtown to Alison's house. She lives in an old school house on Meigs Street! It is so cool, completely renovated, 16 ft. ceilings, with a wrought iron fenced yard and lots of old flowers: hydrangea, iris, hellebore, gardenia...Her husband made ribs (Ray's favorite). Mary Kelly was there (board member) and was a beautiful hot day. On the way home we stopped at StipeMaas's for their ice cream social in honor of Prairie's graduation from high school! Then more work on the video--almost time to panic!