Vegetable Garden April 2009
I started yesterday by reading over the UUFA Annual Report and it's pretty good. Now I just have to get together with Shaye and go over my corrections, mostly minor. I have a few other Fellowship-related chores, calling people to ask them to serve on task forces, etc.
The three of us went shopping at Kroger, kind of fun, and then I spent some time working outside. The hardest part was trying to weed around the irises, which have been beautiful this spring (white). The "dirt" around them seems to be a mass of grass roots, with very little actual dirt. I plan to clear that all out and cover with wood chips. Imagine how beautiful they will be next year!
Then I met Ray at Ramsey for racquetball--not my best effort, but still good exercise. We drove to the Fellowship after that for potluck and choir rehearsal. A good day!
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