Yesterday Captain and I watered some. Vanessa and I went to the grocery store. After lunch, I attended a conference on diversity issues in end-of-life care, which was mostly for people who work in hospice care, about different cultures' ways of reacting to death. I did it because it was moderated by Frank Sesno, who graduated from Middlebury the same year I did, and was a friend of a friend, it was free, and I could get CEUS in case I ever want to be a licensed social worker again.
Then we went to Janna's for dinner (take out from Taste of India). Vanessa made a great salad, with lettuce and radishes from the garden. I went to choir practice, where we sang Deep Peace for a memorial service Sunday for Lisa Anderson's husband Gary and Bridge over Troubled Water for the Sunday service. I thoroughly enjoyed singing them.
I called Harriet, who was of course at Clarke Central getting ready for a show that opens Friday. She was telling some child where to find poster board and talking to me at the same time. I wanted to check about Marie's funeral, which is in Augusta today. She said they are going early, because Dave is a pallbearer. I also called Kelly and she is not going. Harriet says there is a memorial service here Sunday afternoon at First Methodist, so I will not drive to Augusta for this one.
There is a service for Ben at the chapel on campus tomorrow at 11--and a luncheon that Ray and I have been invited to. Ben's and Marie's obituaries were in yesterday's paper. Marie's says she "went to her rest..." Ben's says he was murdered. I can just see Marie kicking and screaming--I am not going to rest! My children need their mother! But she was very refined in some ways and I am sure her family is. I have been wanting to see Fran and look forward to tomorrow. Kelly said there is a private service tonight for Tom. I did not know him as well and would not expect to be invited. Apparently Stephanie (Kelly's granddaughter) babysits for Tom's daughter Camryn, and in fact was there Friday night. She is naturally quite upset. It is even harder when you are young--death is hard enough and this is a horrible one.
Hugs to you,
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