
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

At least an hour of heavy rain in the middle of the night! I didn't sleep very well, was reading until almost midnight and then woke up during the thunder and lightning.

Zoe was acting a little better last night after being pretty sick for 24 hours or so. We were sure she was on her last legs, but Ray says she wagged her tail this morning.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Slept even later this morning, 6:45. Ray had taken Cameron with him, but Zoe seems to be ill. She is old and may be dying...she wouldn't eat a biscuit when he offered it. I picked a few blueberries, but they are about to decline... we may have to go pay to pick some somewhere so we can freeze some.

After breakfast and bath (the secret of life), took Mom to yoga. Ray waited while I went in at my office and got the smoke alarms that had to be returned to Lowe's. Stopped downtown to pay my fine for my speeding ticket ($170!), just before the deadline. Court date was July 1. I had to go through a metal detector to get into the building, as I have done many times. They said, "do you have a metal nail file in here?" "Yes." "Well, you'll have to take it back outside." "Can't I just leave it here--I'm only going to be a few minutes, I just have to pay a fine." "No, if you leave it in the building, we will confiscate it and throw it away." Jeez, I have brought that same purse with the same nail file in this building many times... I went outside and set it on a ledge, then went back in, through the metal detector again...paid my fine, and left, picking up my nail file on the way.

Dropped Ray in front of his building, drove out to Lowe's and returned the smoke detectors. I bought a couple books for myself, no willpower: Vegetable Gardening in Georgia and Backyard Chickens. I felt a little decadent, but I am sure we will enjoy them.

Back to the office, spent some time recoding the QuickBooks entries and hoping that they will be acceptable. Went to Kroger and bought lots of milk, fruit and some other things for the residents, including baby wipes and dishwashing liquid. I left a little early to take a reimbursement request to HED and a grant report to United Way. Logged a few miles today for work. It was hot.

Then I went to see my counselor, Robyn. I really like her and I am always torn about going to her, because I would like to be friends, but you can't be friends with your counselor. On the other hand, it is great to have someone to talk to and feel completely comfortable with. She doesn't patronize me, she knows I know the drill. And she is not the non-committal, stereotypical: how do you feel about that? (although she did ask me that once today). I didn't really know where to start, so I started talking about my Dad when we were growing up and on through about a year ago, talking some about my kids, and my visits to France. She agreed I needed to cover the background and next week I will talk more about right now. At one point, I said I should write a book, but it seems like a lot of work. She said it might be therapeutic...I might be getting closer to doing it. The other day I took a pen and a pad and sat down to write, but the pen didn't work! I took that as a sign and read instead... Sigh.

Now I am home and I realize I have been writing about today instead of yesterday, so I will have nothing to say if I have time to write tomorrow...and I have lost yesterday entirely.

Well, I did go to a new doctor yesterday for a physical. I liked her. She is Jeanne Marie Martin and her partner is Melissa Martin, but they are not related! I waited more than 30 minutes and there were lots of screaming babies and she doesn't do gynecological exams, so I will have to get another doctor for that. But I liked her, so I guess that's good. Also the office was too cold and when I mentioned it to the clerk, she said, "just step outside." That's the point--it isn't healthy to have it too cold inside to make too much of a contrast...

Monday, June 28, 2010

Slept until 6:30 this morning; jumped up and said, "oh, I better wake up Ray." but he was already up. Went to sleep about 10, so don't know why I slept so much. It didn't make me feel cheerful, but sort of groggy.

On Sunday, we had a good presentation by Kate and Dan about Buddhism and the choir did well with its song by Brian Tate. We had 4th Sunday lunch. Ray and I talked about driving up north somewhere to find a cooler place to swim in a lake. In the end, we just went to Legion Pool for the afternoon.

After supper, we went to Despy Karlas' memorial service. It was not that sad; she was 91 and had a good life as a concert pianist. The service featured recordings of her playing some of her favorite pieces: Debussy, Chopin, Scarlatti. And several very eloquent people told things about her. She remarried in her 70s and they appeared to be very happy. She became grandma to his young grandchildren in Sweden. I was a little jealous, not of her playing ability, but of the admiration and respect expressed. Saw lots of people from the community and ate some wonderful little desserts: chocolate mousse and lemon tarts from Lindsey's.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Picked some more blueberries and had them with granola and milk for breakfast. yum. Also blackberries are falling off the bushes and onto the ground, because it's too hot and humid to pick them all. Walked the dogs out to the mailbox; Cameron has hurt his foot. He was fine at first and then about halfway started limping, holding his left hind foot up while he walked along. Halfway home, he sat down for a while. This started a couple days ago. He ran off after a deer and came back limping. The Captain has examined his foot and didn't find anything obviously wrong.

I made some ginger cookies from one of my make-ahead cookbooks. You mix them up and roll them into balls and freeze them to bake later. So they are ready to bake if we have any days that we want to turn the oven on.

Then it was time for Pilates--only 5 of us this time and Cathleen was in our class! That was fun. Then a quick visit to the farmers' market (they close at noon). We got onions and scallions, potatoes, bread and some grass-fed ground beef.

Lunch: iced tea, fresh bread from the market (multi-grain baguette from Luna), a little salami and cheese and tomato from the garden, as well as corn on the cob (from the market)! yum.

Then Vanessa and I went to the mall and she bought two bathing suits. I tried on one that looked okay, but it was $93 for the top and $45 for the bottom! I didn't love it that much!

A little later, Ray and I zoomed downtown. It's Athfest, but too hot to stand around outside and listen to music. We did go to a screening of Pushin' Up Daisies, a local movie with some of our friends in it (Kelly, Allen, Lisa). It was quite funny and strange; a faux-documentary shot in Crawfordville and Washington, GA, involving zombies...

Then we rushed home again to pick up the Captain and Vanessa. We went to the Land Trust fund-raiser at the Botanical Gardens. It was really nice and we knew a lot of people there who chatted with us. Hors d'oeuvres from Farm 255, wine from Gosford Wine (Cabernet Sauvignon was delicious). My favorite entertainment: the silent auction. Sometimes I have trouble finding things to bid on, that are good values and I like them. This one was great, lots that I wanted that was a good bargain, although as the night went on, most of my things got bidded up too high (which is good for the organization). One thing I don't really understand, why people would buy a $75 gift certificate for $100...I know it is a way to help the cause and a compliment to the donor, but I don't really get it. I did get a week at Amelia Island for only $1000 and 2 nights at Tybee! Oops...hope I can still pay the mortgage in a few days, bad timing.

When we arrived, there was a lovely piece of green fabric hanging down from somewhere near the ceiling (which is very high at the botanical gardens). I thought it was part of the decorations, but no, it was part of the entertainment. Two different "dancers" climbed up and twisted themselves around for our amusement, in time to live music. It was quite amazing and this picture does not do it justice.

We left before 10, a reasonable time, and slept well.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Really hot--100 degrees. Thunder and lightning for hours, but I don't think there was enough rain to measure. The dogs were nervous.

At work, I attended a training about financial management. The trainer was good and knowledgeable, although most of the information was review for me. Reassuring, but not very helpful. It kind of made me want to be a professor...Mailed off applications for dental insurance for three employees including me. Went to the Food Bank with Clay, who carried a heavy box for me. They had some good stuff, but were clearing the floor to take inventory, so did not have everything we needed. It was 2:30 when I got back, though, and so hot, I really didn't want to go to the grocery store to buy more stuff. They have milk and bread, so they won't starve.

When I left, it seemed too hot and I was too tired to even go to the pool. Ray and I stopped at the library and he picked out some good-looking mindless things for me to read. I think that is the correct response to the weather--hole up in the air conditioning and read until it gets cooler.

Managed to pull myself together after an hour in the cool and make some supper, which I thought was good but Ray didn't like, although he managed to choke it down. There was a sauce with orange juice and he said you know I don't like citrus sauces...I said no I don't. Maybe I'll remember next time. Watched some TV, but my back started threatening to do its thing--maybe I should have gone to the pool after all. I lay down and went to sleep and it is somewhat better this morning, but makes me a little nervous. I hope pilates will help.

Friday, June 25, 2010

I slept late this morning, because I had trouble falling asleep last night. So no time for blogging this morning.

The heat continues to be incredible, hitting 100 at times. The pool was kind of warm and not that nice, but still probably better than not going to the pool. Ray played with his little friend Lily and her friend Ireland and their brothers. The Moms watched happily. Went home to pick up my Mom and Dad and brought them too. The whole process took about an hour, but actually what else was I going to do with my time? Too hot for anything, no energy. Ate a Good Humor Oreo bar.

Ray had a Democratic Committee meeting, so he ate some leftovers early. We ate leftovers too and then he had cucumbers and cherry tomatoes with onions and olives and dressing when he got home. I wonder if I could live on that?

Big family meeting; my parents are considering a variety of ideas for where they will live next, but some of them require a waiting period and they wanted to be sure it was okay if they stayed here a while longer, as well as what we could do to make everything go smoothly.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

I was pretty grumpy yesterday. A woman from an insurance agency came to meet with me. Then Maureen, the CPA from the Board showed up. She wants me to go back through January 2009 and recode all the QuickBooks entries. She admits that she's a little compulsive, but as a CPA she has to be. She talks about keeping Maureen happy... I do appreciate her expertise, but I'm not sure how long it will take me.

I told her I had a lunch appointment and I know she was disappointed. Then Becky was late and I was starving and ate a lot of chips and cheese dip and a shrimp burrito and rice. Then I felt kind of gross for awhile. When I went back to the office, there was an email from the Treasurer that the financial statement didn't seem right. I made some changes and called her to talk about it. At 3, met some of the members of the Democratic committee at a building they are thinking of renting for headquarters starting in /august. It needs a lot of work, someone had started some interior demolition and taken down the walls, so there are exposed wires and holes in the ceiling. So we didn't go swimming.

I was pretty antisocial at potluck. Singing helped, but this is the last rehearsal until August. There was a sort of party afterward and more stuff to eat. I tried to be moderate...Thomas, our wonderful pianist, is moving to NY with his partner in August. He has never been there and doesn't know anything about it.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Darn, spent an hour trying to upload photos and now no time to write! Guess I'll write first next time and worry about the pictures later.

The pictures in question are of Amber and Flip's children, for whom we babysat last night for about an hour and a half. A good system; we can enjoy playing with them and then go home and leave their Mom to clean up and do the hard parts. I did change a diaper though and we had to clean up the spilled orange juice...

Worked, went to buy some things...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

That was the shortest night of the year. It was practically still light when I went to sleep and it's light now that I'm up. Hot and humid, thank goodness for the air conditioning.

Payroll yesterday and going to the bank. A summer VISTA participant started yesterday, Clay. I asked him what was his area of expertise. He said he didn't have one. His major is physics. I was excited because Meredith said I could ask him if there was anything I needed help with. I worked on the reimbursements for the two grants that end this month. That is probably my favorite part of my job.

Went to lunch at Janna's house. She had bought a lot of shoes for her trip and wanted me to help her decide which ones to keep and which ones to return. Some she ordered from Zappos, some from Lamar Lewis, and some yesterday from Clarks at the mall of Georgia. That was kind of fun and delicious; quinoa salad with green beans and dried cranberries and grilled chicken. She has lost 6 pounds in less time than I lost 5, but she works hard at it. No ice cream sandwiches at the pool for her.

Ray and I went briefly to the pool and then came home and made supper. He finally got it so cold in here that I had to put on Molli's sweater I had just finished. It is very nice, if I do say so myself, but may be a bit big for her now. I will deal with all the ends and then block it.

Fell asleep about 9.

Monday, June 21, 2010

I had a fun and busy Sunday, but now I'm tired.

Yesterday we had pancakes with blueberries from our yard. Yum! The Captain opened his Father's Day presents and seemed to enjoy them. I cooked the potatoes and eggs for Salad Nicoise and then Ray and I went to the Fellowship, where I sang with the choir. A couple we had talked to at the anniversary party brought a boxed set of the Vicar of Dibley they had at home. Now we can laugh ourselves silly! Of course, we already have a lot of shows recorded that we need to watch...

We picked up a couple things at EarthFare and then went to get Janna. She had lunch with us and then she and I drove to the mall of Georgia. She is going to Europe in a couple weeks and wanted to get some things for her trip. She bought a couple pair of shoes, some socks and perfume. Apparently, she wears it every day. I said I would rather go out to dinner and she said, fortunately, she could do both. I reluctantly resisted the temptation to buy a $100 purse, or even try on shoes. The Clarks store was very tempting. I did order Ray a pair of shoes and bought a belt for him that was on sale.

Back at home by 6, Ray had made dinner and we sat down to eat (Ron had come to get Janna). Then we drove to Watkinsville. Ray and I had volunteered to usher at a production of Much Ado about Nothing on the lawn at Ashford Manor. It was fun, we were very close to the action. Harry V. was Claudio--he is a heartthrob--to think we used to babysit him1 It was very hot and humid for sitting on the lawn, though. We drank some Freixenet that we had been given a while ago. Whenever I do something like that, I ask myself if it is worth it as I stumble into bed after 11. The air conditioning felt awfully good.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Hot and humid. I picked a few berries and trimmed some grass and pulled up about 4 weeds before coming in at 9 o'clock drenched in sweat. Went to Pilates after a bath; love that class. Went to the farmers' market and Kroger for a few groceries. Made jam from a blog recipe in the afternoon (Ray picked me a few more berries).

We went to Cofer and bought a new hose for the Captain, as well as some plant markers. Then we went to Bruce and Jane's 50th anniversary party at UUFA. It was catered by Deb Dykstra and the food was very good. There were three young women in black skirts and white blouses circulating. And of course a wonderful cake. There were supposed to be 100 people, but it didn't seem like that many. After Jennifer and Evan left, we were the youngest (except for family). Enjoyed talking to their two sons, one from outside NY (Greenwich CT) and one from outside Boston (near Framingham). We left before 6 to get to the peach stand in Watkinsville before it closed. They had sold out their local peaches and all they had were from South Carolina, which we bought. I had to get a peach ice cream cone, like I do every time I'm there.

When we got home, my parents were just having a drink and snack, did not expect us back so soon. Watched some TV, including golf, which I don't especially enjoy, but the California coast was beautiful, with the waves rolling in. And I am glad I saw Tiger's incredible shot, past the trees and onto the green, where the ball could have dropped into the ocean.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Married 33 years! Wow! A lot longer with him than without him. Kind of scary, but kind of reassuring.

Yesterday at work spent most of the day waiting for the chair of the Finance Committee, who was going to help me "fix" my accounting records from 8:30 to 2, but actually ended up arriving at 1:30. Got some other things done in the meantime. At 2, Ray came to help me take the newsletters to the post office for mailing, a very satisfying endeavor. Then we got some milk and came back.

For dinner, we took my parents out and they took us out; they've been married 62 years! We were going to Farm 255, but they were closed for a private party. I was pretty disappointed, but we went to the National and had a really great meal. I had a mojito, fried shrimp, scallops (with rice and beets), Muscadet wine, and peach upside-down cake with lots of yummy whipped cream. It was a lot and it was wonderful.

Friday, June 18, 2010

Really hot in our cement-walled offices, but I got to spend most of the day out in the living area, putting labels on newsletters and chatting with Kerri and Meredith about nothing--New Orleans and food, for instance. We did get them all sealed and labeled by 3, but I didn't take them to the post office yesterday. I had lunch with Becky for a nice break. Then I picked up my parents and we went to the pool. Unfortunately, it had just thundered and we had to wait 30 minutes before we could go in. This is somewhat foolish, because if it thunders again, the count starts over. We studied the sky, bought ice cream (none for me), and waited it out. We were rewarded and it was worth it.

Ray and I made supper, I froze more yellow beans that Captain had picked, watched TV and fell asleep by 9:30. The trouble with that is, I woke up at 3, but did manage to go back to sleep, so that was good. AC is running already. I'm glad it's Friday.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Hot and humid, but a little better than the day before. Ray dropped me off; then I had to buy a couple things for the Shelter and needed the car. he picked me up at 1:15, I took him to his doctor's appointment, then went to Kroger and back to the Shelter. Then back to the doctor's office. He was not in the waiting room. I sat and read in the hot car with the windows down. Doctor told Ray he needs to eat less carbs.

My parents arrived shortly after we got home. They had been to Banner Elk, where it was nice and cool, but they didn't find any good restaurants. Instead of mac & cheese, I made a bean salad for potluck, but it didn't seem like very much, so we cooked up some pasta to throw in. Very tasty. Enjoyed potluck and choir, came home.

I still have a rash on my arms and neck. Someone at potluck suggested it is sun poisoning, from swimming in the pool and then sitting in the sun. They said it just goes away. I don't know, I got it Sunday night or Monday and hadn't been to the pool since Friday. A little itchy, but not too bad.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

It was incredibly hot and humid again yesterday. I went in a little later than usual, so I could pick beans. They were very prolific and wonderful. I put them in the sink for Ray to freeze. He was feeling a little tired, so didn't come to town with me.

We had our staff meeting. Beth, the president of the board, invited us all to lunch. I went to the bank first. When we all got to the restaurant, we decided the only way we could all sit together was to go out on the deck. There were umbrellas to keep off the sun. I had gazpacho and bread and a blueberry muffin. I had a training at 1:30, so had to leave early and I was glad to have an excuse to get in my air-conditioned car. The training was about training, which is of course what I was just studying as an IT grad student. It was review for me and it wasn't awesome. There were only 8 participants and they didn't contribute as much as some classes. But all the same, I got kind of excited about creating training for new volunteers, interns, and staff.

Fortunately, it didn't last until 4:30 as advertised. I left a little after 3. Ray was still tired and just starting to work on the beans. We froze 2 pints. After a while, we made dinner together. It was delicious. There was thunder and dark clouds all evening. I went to Sky's house for a meeting about the community center. I took my umbrella, but no rain. Finally, about 9, the rain started. Thank goodness, now I don't have to water the garden this morning. And it cooled off some, but we didn't open the windows becuase of the humidity. Now the air conditioning is running again, before it is even light.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Yesterday, my parents drove north to Banner Elk, North Carolina. They arrived safely at the Best Western and called here about 6. It was about 10 degrees cooler there and I was jealous. Thank goodness for air conditioning.

Meredith did not come in to work yesterday; her allergies were acting up all weekend and she was trying to get a doctor's appointment. Most of my day was spent on repairs and shopping. The fire marshall had told us we had to replace all our smoke detectors. I think we counted 15 of them. At Lowe's, they had 6 of the kind I needed (wired with a battery backup), and I ordered the others. They should come in next week, with enough time for us to get them installed within our 30-day deadline. I talked them into giving us a discount, so that was fun. We have a volunteer, Andy, who has done a lot of these kinds of repairs for us and will install them. Yay!

Also got some groceries, including peaches, now that they are $1 a pound. Last year, the families really enjoyed them and ate them all whenever I bought them.

Ray and I went to the pool and stayed until after 5. I finished my book and it was a good one. I often think I might write a book, but it seems like a lot of work.

I have a rash on my neck and arms. I think it started Sunday. Swimming in the pool and rinsing in the shower (no soap or shampoo) did not help. Maybe it is the heat. It doesn't really itch much and is not really noticeable, just a little uncomfortable. I wonder if it is the food I ate Sunday night? grouper... I don't remember having it before, from heat or food.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Well we had a fun and interesting, but not necessarily restful, Sunday. It was incredibly hot and humid, and the air conditioning ran pretty much through the night, as far as I could tell.

We went to the service and learned more about our partner church in Okland, Romania. Then we drove some of the girls to Macon, where they are going to Peacemakers Camp. One of the girls in our car, Carola (or Karela), was great about asking and answering questions. I really enjoyed it. When we got there, I was telling another girl, Kinsco, whose mother is the minister's wife, how much I enjoyed it. She said she wanted to sleep and wished Karela would have been quiet! I would like to go teach English in their camp next summer for 3 weeks...

Heather and her husband Scott (Catherine's parents) drove the other car. The four of us had a really nice dinner in Macon, after driving for a while. The places to eat I could find on line were closed on Sunday (family day in the South). Glad I live in Athens. Although they have a really nice-looking mall...

Of course we got home after 10.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

There was a Kenney Ridge yard sale yesterday morning, so Ray and I borrowed the truck and drove some things over to the field, along with a folding table and a clothes rack. I made $11.50 after chipping in a dollar toward the ad. And I only spent $2. I sold some toilet paper holders and a towel rack still in their packages from when we built the house; I brought several home and was supposed to return the extras...I sold a plastic computer monitor stand that I had moved from our last house for $1. No clothes. About 9:30 there were no customers and I decided it was too hot and humid and buggy to make it worth standing there any longer. Ray and I packed up and rushed off to Pilates, which was really good. We stopped at the Farmers' Market and got some bread and potatoes and eggs and sausage and then bought a few things at Kroger.

After lunch, we spent a little time cleaning up the study and I looked at cookbooks some. Then we drove to Watkinsville to buy peaches (and tomatoes). We went to Bruce and Jane's house for a pool party about 5:30. There were some visitors from our sister church in Okland, Transylvania. Eva and her daughter visited two and half years ago and remembered the delicious meal my mother had cooked, as well as the charm of my father. I remembered Ray getting the atlas and finding their town on the map. This time, there were Eva and her daughter, now 13, and three other teenage girls. They would be attending camp in Macon for a week. Eva is always trying to raise money. Their church and traditional way of life are endangered and she is part of something called Harvest Hope, which, I think, buys cows for Okland and other communities. Although it is part of Romania, they speak Hungarian. There were about a dozen teens from our Fellowship in the pool, most of whom I didn't know. There was Sam W., who has a large UU tattoo on his back and Madison, Chloe and Emily's younger sister. The pool was kind of dirty, with leaves and dead bugs, and lukewarm, in addition to being full of teenagers just hanging out, so we didn't really swim. Board members were there as well. We all ate pizza and salad and ice cream.

Ray and I came home and watched 2 movies, switching back and forth, and went to bed.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Got to work five minutes early; Ray dropped me off and then had to come back at 11:15 so I could take him to his office and then go to lunch with Claire C. It was very hot all day and in fact the air conditioning is already running this morning. We spent about an hour and a half at the pool; Ray was playing some with the Meyers children.

After delicious and pleasant supper, Ray and I went to see Carousel with Becky and Kent. It was very good, the acting and singing were surprisingly good. I still don't really like the story; it is sad and somewhat weak. I did have a moment of wishing I were in it. But I decided I don't really want to sign up for anything more unless Ray is involved, too.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Ray caught the bus yesterday morning! I was at work about 5 minutes early. Went to lunch with Becky, had a really nice time. Left work about 2:30, seemed like there wasn't much I needed to do. Went to the pool, nice and cool and pleasant, although the sun was very hot--it said 100 when we got in the car, but that was the parking lot, it was only 93 when we got out to the house. Ray grilled the chicken and it took a lot longer than the recipe said--guess our chicken was thicker. Had an enjoyable dinner and watched TV and went to bed early. Slept at least 8 hours.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Another day of work at which I stayed too long without a break, in order to leave at 2 and go to the pool. Lately, working 6 hours just seems too much. I had expected thunderstorms to keep us from swimming, but we were lucky, although I hope for some rain for the gardens today. We hurried home; the cleaning lady was due, but she did not show up. I am sorry to think that it will not work out with her; I like her and she is the most reasonable we have found, but she seems to be unable to keep to a predictable schedule and we do not do well with change here. We had prepared for her visit by tidying up a bit and anticipated in with pleasure. She communicated with me by text, though I called her twice and left messages.

We went off to potluck and choir, a smaller group as summer is beginning. We worked on two somewhat challenging songs, which was a pleasure for me.

Although it was cool last night with the windows open, I barely slept a wink.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Tuesday is my mother's yoga class at 8 am. Ray stayed home to put the cutter bar on my Dad's tractor with him, so he could mow the back yard and some other grass, while the lawnmower is at the shop. My mother likes to get there about 5 minutes of, so she can get a good spot on the floor with her mat. This gives me plenty of time to get to work right on time. It never happens when Ray goes with us. For some reason, we are always 5 or 10 minutes later than we would like.

I worked on reading and editing the financial policies for the Shelter. They were clearly taken from some other organization's some years ago and never completely changed for our situation. For instance, they refer a lot to the Bookkeeper, which I had to keep changing to Assistant Director. One thing that I find these days, no matter what I am editing, is that people leave two spaces after a period. This is a holdover from the days of typewriters, which made every letter (and space) the same size. Computers leave the right amount of space after a period, but we all learned to put two spaces. So one of the things I do whenever I edit someone else's work is take out the extra spaces. There are also some written policies that we are not following, so I will probably have to start doing that, once Meredith has looked at them.

We went to the pool again yesterday. It was lovely and cool and relaxing. I left work before 2, went to deliver the reimbursement requests and to the bank, and then went home to pick up my parents, so they could come too. Ray and I swam back and forth several times, then I sat and read my novel (that Barbara sent me). It wasn't really as hot as it has been, and a little overcast. After about an hour, my Dad was ready to leave. I bought Coke and chips and an ice cream sandwich after I took my shower and got dressed, waiting for Ray. (Who says women take longer to get dressed than men? I am always ready before he is.)

When we got home, I knew what I was making and I wasn't starving to death and we didn't have drink and snack. I cut up the zucchini and squash Captain had picked the day before, a couple small onions and a garlic (also from the garden) and sauteed in butter and oil. Then added some canned spaghetti sauce (I didn't even measure it). Ray cooked the spaghetti and grated the cheese and voila, a complete meal in less than 30 minutes. It was good too. After we ate so early, I didn't know what to do with myself...I got a lot of knitting done and even did a load of laundry. I seemed to have more energy than I had in a while. Of course, I did end up watching lots of TV before going to bed at 9:30.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A little cooler last night, finally better for sleeping.

Worked (newsletter and payroll, meeting with Meredith), then went to the pool with Ray. It was very pleasant and refreshing. We didn't want to stay too long, though, because my parents were waiting for us. We had drink and snack and dinner, watched TV and went to bed. Not much to tell...

Monday, June 7, 2010

Great thunderstorm last night; sounded like we got a good amount of rain. Unfortunately, I had trouble falling asleep and was reading until after midnight.

Captain and Vanessa came to church with us and enjoyed the service very much. It featured a South American band, Incatepec, with the choir joining on a few songs. Maybe you know Somos El Barco...? "Somos el barco, somos el mar, yo navego en ti, tu naveges in me...we are the boat, we are the sea..." There were some poems and readings about leaving your country and trying to live here. But of course, I needed to be there at 10 and the service doesn't start until 11. I was able to find someone from Kenney Ridge who was going to give my parents a ride, so that was good. But it just added one more stress to my day. I baked some cookies for the bake sale first thing while I was making the panakes. I am starting to feel like there is always something to make me tense...and that makes my back hurt. After the service, we went out to lunch, which was also pleasant.

Then a little quiet time, until Captain went out and picked beans and other things. I washed and cooked beans and froze some, and a few peas. After supper, I looked at recipes for this week and then watched a little TV.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Yesterday was busy. Ray and I took the lawnmower to be fixed--all the way to Winder. There's not a good place closer. My Dad wanted to take it to Watkinsville, but Ray thought it was better to take it to the place we bought it. We had to take the truck and the Captain wanted to drive it and was unhappy that I said we would go. It may be a couple weeks before it's ready and the grass is already way too tall.

Then we had to rush home and switch cars to get to Pilates a few minutes late. There was a substitute teacher who wasn't bad, but I like Amanda, our regular instructor--not that she isn't allowed to go out of town for the weekend. We stopped at the Farmer's Market on our way home for bread and potatoes.

Then we were home for awhile. We had a light early supper of steamed veggies and salad before heading to the Roller Derby. Captain had wanted to go for while and I got an email about volunteering for it, so we went for it. Ray and I were supposed to be there at 5:30, although there wasn't much for us and the other volunteers to do, except get ready for the intermission entertainment. We brought chairs and set them up for Vanessa and the Captain. They sat right in front at the corner and were at risk of having someone in their lap, but it didn't quite happen. Ray and I ate hot dogs and French fries and even snow cones! It was really hot in there and the snow cone was cool. At half time, we distribute glow bracelets to the children who participated in the hula hoop contest, and gave out water bottles to ones we identified as winners. It made me miss my little girls--I could have brought you home a glow bracelet! We saw a few people there we knew, including the mayor, but it was mostly a pretty different crowd. It was fun that we knew one of the Classic City Roller Girls--Cindy Wunder. But it was a little stressful; it seemed likely that she would get hurt. An interesting and intense sport that I know a lot more about now. Lots of officials and a commentator. Silly names, like Poke a Dot and Hella Blitzgerald. Outrageous costumes, involving short shorts and fish nets--one of the opponents had silver hot pants or booty shorts as Jenna Black's mom said.

On our way home, we stopped at Dairy Queen to get milkshakes at Vanessa's request.

I slept fine until I woke at 4 from a bad dream. I was traveling across country by bus and was pleasantly surprised at how nice the bus was and how fast it was going. My Mom wanted me to get off at one of the stops. Not sure if she was in the bus with me, or outside waving me down. Anyway, I got off without anything, my purse or suitcase or even my phone--and the bus left without me. I couldn't find an office to ask about it and I was stuck somewhere with nothing. I woke up sweating and shaky. It's funny what seems like a nightmare, the content is less important than the feeling. Do you think it means I feel like my life is out of control???

Saturday, June 5, 2010

I was awake a little in the night, but now it's starting to be light, it's a little cooler and it's nice to be Saturday. I admit to a little retail therapy yesterday. Becky called me as I was about to leave work. "I'm at Coldwater Creek and everything is 50% off!" I called Ray to say, "Shall I come pick you up or shall I go to Coldwater Creek with Becky?" "Do that one," he said. So I did. We tried on lots and lots of thing and advised each other and finally had to whittle down what were actually going to buy. I bought several skirts and one t-shirt. It will be fun to have plenty of skirts to choose from. They are definitely cooler for summer.

My office is quite hot. It is a cinder-block building and I insist the thermostat not be set below 78, since I pay the bills, including the electric bill, which is many hundreds of dollars. When I get there in the morning, it is hot and stuffy. I put on the fan. If it feels cool, I check and see if the thermostat needs to be turned up. When the air starts running, it is not too bad. But by mid-afternoon, it is really hot and I am glad I get to leave.

I wish Molli were here. I would have bought her some things at Coldwater Creek for her birthday yesterday. It used to be, I would say she could look through what I bought and pick out a few things for herself. But now she has lost so much weight, she needs a smaller size. I will say, the extra larges were a little loose on me, so I got some larges. The only thing I tried on that was too small was an XS mislabeled as an XL... usually some things that should fit are too tight, so that was encouraging.

I spent most of the day working on the newsletter, a very tedious but eventually satisfying activity. Trying to fit everything on four pages (really only 3; have to leave room for the address) requires editing and changing the size of everything and rearranging. Meredith was working from home preparing a presentation; she has a grant workshop this morning. So it was a little more relaxed at the office and less distracting.

Ray and I had a nice lunch and then I bought some things at Target for work: baby carrier, answering machine, milk...

We were thinking of going to Town & Gown's opening night for Carousel, but it was sold out. All four of us stayed up until 9:30 watching the spelling bee on TV--kind of nerdy fun. I think I was the first one to fall asleep.

Friday, June 4, 2010

just a quick word because I'm running late. We babysat for Amber and Flip last night, starting at 9. They just went out for a drink and some adult time. The children were asleep and we watched the end of a video we had started the other night. This is when I hate living in Georgia. Hot and humid every day. Too hot to cook. Too hot to be outside....

Work went pretty well. M. asked me to format the newsletter and work on the financial policies. Paid some bills (beginning of the month). Went to a training about leadership, which didn't teach me anything new. Lots of books and resources talk about having a mentor. I would love one...but it's not that easy to find. I once asked Gwen O'Looney to be my mentor, if I remember right. I think she said she didn't have time... Most of the people I know in my field are significantly younger than me... hmm...

My father had a minor accident Wednesday night. I suggested he cut back on his driving. He was very unhappy and blamed me for making him feel worse. Pointed out that I had an accident not long ago, so maybe I should cut back on my driving...

Thursday, June 3, 2010

foggy and groggy this morning. Thunderstorms made my alarm clock blink all night. weird dreams and a slow start.

Yesterday? I can't remember....Choir rehearsal: I kept falling asleep. We are singing Sunday with Incapotec (not quite right, some South American musical group from Athens), very fun: drums, bass, saxophone...but the choir members don't really know the music. I missed a few weeks of rehearsals too. I am sure it will be fun. Elizabeth is worked up about the Israeli attack...I agree with her, it's terrible. She was giving out postcards and I signed one, to send to the president objecting to our giving them aid. I made the bean snap. Ray was setting up his computer. He got a new one at work and brought the old one home, so that's pretty fun and he'll be able to work at home as much as he wants.

My favorite thing at work yesterday? I went to Manning Brothers and bought new plates, bowls, cups, utensils for the residents. Some of the ones we have may not go in the dishwasher, so I bought enough for everyone. I couldn't get everything in 6 colors, but hopefully it will work out. The different colors help us to keep track of who is leaving dishes in the sink.

I had a webinar in the morning about Pathways, the software used in Georgia to keep track of information about homeless people. It is required when you get money from HUD. I used it before, but it's been a few years, so have to take New User Training. I couldn't hear her very well and there was a lot of keeping  attendance and other stuff. The nice thing about a webinar is you can do other things at the same time. I looked through a lot of old stuff on my desk for filing or throwing away.

Nothing more to report. Gray and overcast, but not too hot yet!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Foggy again this morning; very humid and not great for sleeping. I had weird dreams about travel and yard sales...staying with people I didn't know. Chris was there...he's been on my mind lately, I guess because of his birthday and his upcoming bike trip.

Yesterday was the first day of June. Time to do reimbursements and other new-month work. I didn't go to lunch, planning to go home early but somehow didn't leave until 3.

It rained early and late, but there was enough hot sunny weather for the Captain to be out working and getting exhausted. He was too tired and busy to pick chard, but my mother did it. I was surprised and impressed. Spent a while standing at the sink cleaning the chard thoroughly, piece by piece. I decided Monday that I need to wear shoes when I'm working standing up to help my back. It seems to make a difference.

Vanessa spent some time looking at the pictures from the trip and then some of the old pictures I have. I finished the first sleeve and started the second.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Yesterday turned out to be fun. I called Becky and Kent and Deb and John and they all said, yes, they could come for dinner, including Lara! Becky got some ground turkey and beef to make burgers and we thawed a second package of shrimp. We heard about Lara's graduation (Arnold Schwarzenegger was the speaker) and watched videos from Deb & john's trip to Taiwan. We drank two of the bottles of French wine and it tasted pretty good. One was the Chateau Ventenac that the Captain bought  6 bottles of and the other  was the Corbieres. I liked the Corbieres better, but it was 2009; he liked the Ventenac better...John & Debbie brought some US red as well, and some Terrapin beer. I made foccaccia--it was pretty easy and delicious.

It rained off and on all day, sometimes misting, sometimes thundering and lightning. We got in a walk in the morning, after I made some blackberry muffins with the last of the blackberries from the freezer. The Captain managed to spend some time working in the garden, but it was too wet for me. He picked some more peas and I shelled them, cooked them, and threw them in the potato salad. He also picked more lettuce for a green salad and I made dressing. But I don't know what I did all day. Looking through cookbooks some, I even dozed a little.