
Monday, March 11, 2013

I'm pretty tired. Ray and Elisa are both sick. Molli is gearing up to start this job with the summer lunch program. She drives to ATL for training on Monday. Today is the day to catch up and relax. Somehow that didn't happen this weekend. Elisa was visiting her friend over toward ATL. Her host Dad met Ray at a gas station in Jefferson for the hand-off.

Molli ran in the race Saturday morning at the Council on Aging, a fund-raiser for the Meals on Wheels program. I volunteered. The director said nice things about me. I am hoping to hear from her today about a full-time job!

Molli and I went shopping with Janna and Becky. I bought several things. There were sales at every store! Brown pants, black pants, a black skirt, and three shirts. All professional looking.

Sunday morning, Kate presented at UUFA. She was nervous and didn't do a very good job. The power point presentation she showed wasn't very good and the sound didn't work. There were a couple of people who were excited about the program, though. I need to get information to the group in the future. She didn't even bring any applications with her. She said she didn't feel good and hadn't had breakfast. I was a little disappointed and knew I could have done better.

The three of us stopped for lunch at Peking. I ate way too much Chinese food, but it was really fun. At home, I spent a couple hours in the garden. There is so much to do! I was sorry my Dad didn't come. I talked to him on the phone and he said he felt blah. I think that means he was depressed, but I didn't pursue it. I expect we'll see him today.

We had planned to eat Salade Nicoise for lunch, so we had it for supper instead. Then I finished off the chocolate birthday cake Molli had made for Ray--with a little ice cream. We watched TV and went to bed. The time change has thrown me off somewhat.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

It's been a little crazy around here. I am excited to have a week off next week, although there will be a lot to do.

Yesterday morning, I was planning a day of cooking and cleaning to get ready for Ray's birthday party, punctuated by a lunch date, when my phone rang. Kelly was calling because Carter was sick. I am their backup babysitter when he cannot go to child care. I was annoyed, because it was not what I wanted to do, but there wasn't really a reason I couldn't do it, so I said yes.

Elisa got her ride, Molli got up and started working on the birthday cake. Ray and I left the house and got him to his class in time. I drove to the "tag office" and paid to register the car again (almost $300!). It is due on Ray's birthday, so I had to do it. Then I drove to Carter's house. He was a little warm and had a nasty runny nose. He took three short naps during the day. I think it was hard for him to breathe and that woke him up. He played a lot and ate pretty well, so he wasn't too sick. We took a short walk in the afternoon. Andy was home before 5 and I zipped home, stopping by the UUFA to leave muffins for the new UU class this morning.

At home, people were putting away groceries, cutting up vegetables, and cleaning up the house. I built a nice fire in the woodstove. I was feeling not quite right and finally decided it was mainly hunger. Molli had sauted some chicken for dinner and Ray washed the fresh lettuce. With a little oil and balsamic vinegar and some tomato, scallions, and Parmesan, we had a great birthday dinner.

We were almsot ready when people started arriving, maybe as many as 40. We offered them wine and beer and veggies and hummus and chips and dip and crackers and cheese. Nothing fancy, but it was fun. The cake was beautiful and delicious.

Somewhere during the day, I had a call from the director of the Council on Aging. She wants to talk to me about a job! Full-time! Now I am nervous and excited. This is what I wanted, the reason I went back to school. It's a big change, though. I haven't worked full time much in five or six years. I won't be able to take off for a month like I did last summer--or come home and work in the garden during the day. On the other hand, I will have a Job! Income and a purpose in life. OMG!

Friday, March 8, 2013

It's right at 32 again this morning, but I think Spring might be coming. For one thing, it's light out before 7. (well, they'll change the time soon so that won't be true, but, for now...) Birds make noise.

Yesterday was a really bad day. Actually, it started Wednesday. Within the space of an hour, I learned that my young friend, a 6-year-old neighbor, was in the hospital. Yesterday afternoon, she was operated on to relieve the pressure of fluid in her brain. Apparently, she has a genetic disease that will cause tumors along her nerves throughout her life. Horrible for her, horrible for people who love her. She came through the surgery and was watching Dora and asking for hot chocolate. I don't know about her future, but she has a grandfather who is a doctor and lots of loving care. I am pretty upset, though. The second thing that happened was a friend's wife's cancer has come back with a vengeance. She is home in a lot of pain with around the clock care. I am so sad for them and for me. Nothing I can really do. I have offered support in both cases.

I woke up yesterday with a cold, but that isn't the third bad thing. (they come in threes). When I let the chickens out, there were only two of them. I was confused. They weren't out at all the day before, or for several days. Could I have not noticed there were only two? It took me awhile, but I found some feathers and a place where the chicken wire had been forced from the upright. Obviously, I didn't do a very good job, but something strong and persistent had gotten in and taken away my best layer, Beauty. It must have been working alone (raccoon?), because the other two appear unharmed. And none of us heard anything. It looks like the dogs didn't bark and the chickens didn't squawk?

Ray made a presentation about birds being dinosaurs to a group from the Audubon Society last night at the Nature Center. It was very good. He has been working on it for most of the week, but especially all day yesterday, not doing much else. It was pretty intense, but a great talk. We managed to get him to cut it back to only 150 slides... The group was only about 20 people. It seems like maybe overkill, but many really liked it. He could do a whole course on it, or other presentations. Pretty interesting stuff and great illustrations.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Apparently, I have given up blogging...which is kind of interesting to analyze in itself. Am I too busy? Activities for a family of five, full-time graduate work, and the usual necessities of life: eating, trying to exercise...the garden, the dogs...But still, I don't think that is the whole story. The need is no longer there, for a variety of reasons. Molli has been my most loyal reader and she is here now, so no need to keep her posted on my life. I am probably happier than I have been in quite a while. I have hopes of employment in a few months. This is an interesting idea...I only want to blog when I am unhappy?

Molli and I are embarking on an interesting and challenging adventure. We have a shared job from mid-March to the end of August. Remember how I volunteered to deliver lunches last summer? Solomon Smothers was the young man who coordinated the program in Athens. He is not available this summer, but recommended me. I got two or three e-mails from the state organizers, asking me if I was interested. The job pays $10/hr and I was torn. I told them I can't commit to 40 hours a week until I finish my graduate program, in early May. I could do part-time, maybe, but I could also recommend my daughter, who is in town and looking for work until the end of May. They were excited. Molli was reluctant to commit, not knowing her specific obligations and opportunities. Neither of us wanted to give up the possibility of some travel during that period. But we were both confident that, between us, we could give the time and make the program work. So, we are all happy. We attended some meetings on Friday and we're excited about continuing and expanding the program.

Meanwhile, things are going well at the Council on Aging and there may be a job opening there for me. Oddly enough, Molli found it on craigslist--part-time case manager $18/hr. I plan to look into it this week.