fur scarf (no recognizable animal parts)
Well, so far, I have successfully held off the cold, maybe thanks to Zi-Cam, which I have used a few times. Ray was finally well enough to play raquetball again yesterday. We took Vanessa to yoga class at 8 am, then went to the Ramsey Center. Unfortunately, Ray had packed his bag, but neglected to put it in the car. That was due, at least partly maybe, to the fact that the Protege wouldn't start. It was below freezing and hadn't been started in months. We had this plan. He was going to park at the Board of Education, I was going to pick him up, take Mom to yoga, then play raquetball, then drive to work. In the evening, he would take the bus home (as far as it goes, to the Board of Ed. building), then drive home from there. So, he called the Captain and asked him to bring the bag. After we played raquetball, he went to his office to meet him and get his clean clothes and shower things. Meanwhile, I took my shower and got dressed and met him in the parking lot to get the car when he came back to take his shower. Then he walked to his office. Very complicated and not very interesting to you, dear reader, I am sure, but somehow the kind of thing that happens in my life. Ray had been ready to give up and just go back home, but I was damned if I was going to do that after all the preparations and anticipation. Then in the evening when he got to the end of the bus line, my Dad went to pick him up. I had to be home for my online class at 5 and Ray was just leaving the university then. After class, I gobbled my (delicious) supper (that I had frozen months before) and spent the evening working on UUFA stuff. The Exec. Committee meeting is tonght.
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