The Taize service we did yesterday was wonderful. Beautful chants, sung over and over, with a few short readings, and lots of pauses for meditations. Everyone loved it! We had lunch at the Fellowship (fourth sunday lunch). Mom and Dad were there too.
I spent a couple hours rehearsing for Dancing with the Athens Stars next Sunday; I volunteered to help back stage. Apparently I am cuing the music, although I haven't actually been told that, I inferred it from the conversations. It will be fun, but I am a little nervous. That seems like a really important job.
Then I attended a board meeting for Athens Little Playhouse. I offered to do the books, which was gratefully accepted. But I didn't really agree to be on the board and attend meetings...
Then to Janna's for an Oscars party. I couldn't find time to cook anything, so bought a German chocolate cake at Kroger's (for Reader). Janna ordered Indian food from Taste of India (for Slumdog Millionaire). She had ballots and a quiz. Of course, I fell asleep and we had to leave long before most of the awards. It was a really good show with Hugh Jackman.
It is starting to get light a little earlier, so I am no longer on my computer for hours in the dark every morning. Although it is well below freezing this morning--our heat has kicked in.
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