straw hat with ribbon threaded through it
Ray was working on the financial report for the Democratic Committee yesterday morning, so we didn't get going very early. When we got to the gym, there were no courts free (6 are taken up with classes, there are 3 others and usually one or more is available). They told us we could kick someone off, but I didn't feel like I wanted to do that. We walked the indoor track for a mile (8 laps), and rode the bikes for 15 minutes. Then I picked Janna up, got lunch at EarthFare (turkey paninis served by Cherly Rogers, I mean Teasley), and dropped her at Aderhold. She is dealing with something that Ray (and I'm sure other teachers) have: students who are on FB during class...or texting. We kind of touched on this in class. This generation is multi-tasking, they constantly get information from lots of sources. It's hard not to be judgmental about it--it just is. But what to do as a professor? She feels disrespected, but if she says something to them, they feel disrespected, like she doesn't trust them.
I called ACTION and left a message for John. Then I went to ALT. I was talking to Cathi, when John called me back. By the time I got there, he had left. His wife had a stroke and was on her way to the hospital. Brenda and Donna said that ACTION would be getting a lot of stimulus money and they hoped to be able to hire me at some point. I went back to ALT and heard that Nancy's husband Jim had been at the doctor, where they told him his cancer had come back. That's two directors of non-profits I'm involved with whose spouses are seriously ill on the same day! It's wierd...Another woman I know (who works at the Mind-Body Institute where I went to yoga class yesterday) had her husband die of a heart attack while driving the day before. It was creeping me out all day. I don't know if Ray should or shouldn't exercise...of course he should. I wrote a press release for Cathi and called the people scheduled for homebuyer classes today. Yoga was very good. Then I went to the Democratic Committee meeting with Ray. It was a good meeting. We divided into subcommittees and brainstormed for 15 minutes--an active meeting.
Meanwhile, Captain had set out all the cabbage plants and burned some more of the scrap wood, so there is no longer a giant pile in the front yard. He was exhausted as usual.
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