I was awake until after 11 last night, and awake again at 5, listening to the sound of the rain. Steady rain. It makes me so happy. I think of all the little plants that Captain set out, and the seeds he planted...the fruit trees and blueberries and pecan trees. They are growing happily in the warm wet soil that we are steadily improving with our compost and imported manure. I hope we will harvest some berries and fruits and nuts eventually. But I know we will have our own onions and cabbages and carrots and beets and even some asparagus in a few months.
Yesterday we went pretty early, but still only had time for a half hour of racquetball, one good game. I saw Alice Bender in the locker room and enjoyed chatting with her. I went to help teach a homebuyer education class. About 8 black women and one disabled white couple. It is more hopeful work than what I have done before. These women have jobs: security guard at Wal-Mart, nursing assistant at a nursing home. They have savings accounts! They know what they need to do to own their own homes and they are willing to do it. They filled out paperwork to have a credit report pulled and I copied their drivers licenses. Next week when they come, Cathi will go over them. If they are not good enough, they will start the process of improving them: paying down their debts, advocating to have old items removed... It is a buyer's market and there are programs to help them reduce their down payments or their interest rates. It will be harder now, though, for them to qualify for loans. Anyway, it was a great joy to be part of.
The class was held at El Banco de la Oportunidad, a Spanish-language branch of First American Bank. What a brilliant addition to the community! Of course, people need a safe place to keep their money where they trust and understand the staff. I spoke to Fausto Sarmiento, the young man who is the manager. His sister, Carolina, was a friend of Molli's (or Amelia's?). She is getting married about a year from now. Fausto is one of the dancers tomorrow, too.
Then we came home and I mostly read my mystery novels. Grandma had made pea soup, so there was fortunately no work to do (I didn't feel like cooking anyway). And after supper, we played cards (all the way down and back up, interrupted only by a great phone conversation with Amelia), and I won. Even though it was close, between me and my Dad, especially the last few hands.
I am going to be a little sad to go back to work on Wednesday...but I will like getting paid.
I was in school with Carolina, but she's going by Ana now I think . Enjoy the snow!