Walked over to Nancy's, but their car was back. Very wet from the rain the night before, so no gardening. Ray went to work and I worked on my classes, redoing my charts and doing some reading.
After lunch, I started some bread. Lunch was leftover quiche and lentil salad. It was good and filling. When Ray got home, I put the bread in pans and told him when and how to bake it. I took an apple and some cookies because I wasn't that hungry. My Dad came by briefly and brought me cream for the vichyssoisse I'm making.
I took my job application to the city office and went to class. I turned in my homework for today's class, because the professor was there. She told me I would have to explain it to my classmates.
We discussed CR, a hypothesis that reducing caloric intake dramatically extends life. They have done research on animals, including monkeys, and there are people who are following the theory to its logical conclusion. They eat drastically less than the rest of us--vegetables, fruits, nuts--in the hope of living longer. They look really skinny and odd, but they seemed really pleased with themselves. Personally, I am not sure why I would want to live a lot longer if I couldn't eat things I wanted to sometimes. What would I be looking forward to? Obviously, eating healthy would be good for you, but a recent study cast some doubt on the claims for a significantly longer life. It does appear to decrease the chances of getting cancer. Ray says the cancer cells starved to death. I'm not sure he's kidding.
We also looked at all the ways an older person can get hurt in a typical home. There are things that can be done to prevent a lot of them--remove throw rugs, turn down the temperature of hot water... Each person should have some environmental pressure, some things they need to do, but there needs to be a balance between too much and too little, so they are not at risk, but still maintain as much independence as they can. I know this is why my Dad likes to cook for himself, rather than have me feed him. Plus he can make whatever he feels like.
When I got home, I wanted some supper. The house smelled like fresh bread. We had a little leftover chicken and leftover rice. I found a recipe for fried rice and chopped an onion and garlic, sauteed them up with oil and soy sauce, threw in the chicken and rice and added an egg. It was darn good.
It was 10 before we went to bed and I slept well.
Dairy Free Alfredo Sauce
This dairy free Alfredo sauce recipe is the most luscious emulsion made
with a base of cashews and olive oil packed with cheesy umami flavor from
miso an...
1 week ago
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