Well, that was unfortunate. Elisa is home from school for the third day, although she wants me to take her in later for her history presentation on Hurricane Katrina (how can that be history? never mind).
Tuesday I felt a little odd. I met with my Epi group at 12:30 and didn't feel like getting any lunch before then. You know that is a red flag for me--no appetite means something is wrong. The meeting went pretty well, but there was still a lot to do before the final presentation yesterday. I wasn't sure if maybe it was just stress. I went to class at 5, but came home after less than an hour. I could barely stand up. I went to bed and Ray took care of me, bringing me tea and crackers. I slept a little and read some. He slept on the couch to try to keep from getting it. I had some diarrhea, but no vomiting. And, wonder of wonders, I felt much better by the next day.
Needless to say, I didn't go anywhere. I worked on my presentation for Epidemiology--about suicide and murder rates, a little depressing. BTW, suicide rates for older people are increasing, and they are about twice the rate of deaths from murder! You won't pick that up from the evening news! What does it mean? I'm not sure, we would need to do more research, but it means, for one thing, you can't believe mainstream media. Recently, funding was approved for suicide prevention, which is awesome, but it's for young people. Not that I think young people don't need help, but you would never guess that they are not the ones most at risk.
I didn't want to go in to make my presentation, so got permission to attend via Skype, protecting all those students (and professor) from possible infection. It went pretty well, although there were sound issues. I couldn't listen and talk at the same time and if the volume was up, there was some static and feedback. Nonetheless, it was a good discussion and I was glad I had made the effort.
We didn't go to choir, but Ray did. First, he made us some cajun shrimp. Elisa was still not eating, except for an occasional clementine. She sat up for a bit and watched CSI (a little gory for me--the bad guy shot and killed one of the good guys; that never happens on my shows. She wanted to know why he wasn't wearing a bullet-proof vest).
Ray slept on the couch again, but I am declaring myself better today, now that I don't have any more classes this week. Just a couple assignments to turn in...
Dairy Free Alfredo Sauce
This dairy free Alfredo sauce recipe is the most luscious emulsion made
with a base of cashews and olive oil packed with cheesy umami flavor from
miso an...
1 week ago
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