Even though it was raining early in the morning, it stopped and got sunny and warm. I made the egg casserole for this morning's new UU breakfast. Except I needed a dozen eggs, so I did it up to a point, waiting for the last two eggs until about lunchtime. It's supposed to sit in the fridge overnight, so it's ready to bake now. I also made the biggest two loaves of bread I have ever made. The recipe said to make them into round loaves on a cookies sheet, but I wanted them in loaf pans. I could have made 3 instead of 2, but now I have 3 really big loaves!
My parents were here most of the day. The usual schedule is they drive here from their house in time for Vanessa to drive herself to the Y for her water exercise class. This seems foolish to me, as they drive pretty close to the Y on the way here, but it means the Captain doesn't have to stop what he's doing to go pick her up. He generally spends some time on the computer, checking email and reading news articles. Yesterday he was particularly engrossed with the story on Charlie Sheen's offensive remarks and the subsequent canceling of 2 1/2 men. My Dad suggested, and I agree, that they continue the show and write his character out--kill him off or put him in rehab...
He transplanted 75 lettuces into the garden. If all goes well, we will have more lettuce than we know what to do with--several different varieties. I am looking forward to it. Also, a few broccoli and cabbage and some bok choy. We all had lunch and then he went back out. I spent a little time washing the walls in the blue bedroom, but it was hard and not very satisfying. Instead, I went out and started planting the 100 daffodils, that Mom had placed along he driveway. It turns out the edge of the gravel driveway is actually more than a foot back from where it looks like it is, just grown over with grass.
Boys playing Ninja at UUFA |
They left a little after 3 and I did a little more work on my pile of papers before Ray came home after 5, leaving more than half of the daffodils for another day. He did dishes and neither of us wanted to make supper, so we picked up some burritos at Agua Linda, very tasty. We had offered to play games with the youth at the Fellowship, but it turned out to be less fun than I had thought. The event was not very well attended and there were already too many adults and not enough structure. There is a fine line, especially with middle school kids, between democracy and hierarchy. And this event needed a little more adult intervention, with a planned schedule of specific games. It quickly degenerated into running around hitting each other with cushions. And Ray was falling asleep. So we headed home--no TV tonight.
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