We drove around a little, including a visit to the marina where the Captain and Vanessa had their sailboat tied up 26 years ago. Ray and I drove over from Louisiana at Thanksgiving to introduce their granddaughter to them, when she was one month old.
Then we stopped at the Pinckney Island National Wildlife Refuge. It was amazing! We parked with other cars and followed a cub scout troop down the trail, which is a gravel road, very level and easy to walk on. They (we?) have created man-made ponds to encourage wildlife. We saw lots of birds, including an ibis rookery, and an alligator. The weather was beautiful, warm and sunny, but not hot or humid or buggy. There was lots more, but we had to go so we didn't get home too late. I am always amazed to find something new like that. Why haven't I heard about it? We will go again, with lunch and water.
We started driving. I called home and the Captain was glad to hear from us. Apparently Vanessa was pretty sick all weekend. I felt bad. They had seemed fine when we left. When we finally got home, about 8, we took her temperature. It was over 101. She took some medicine and we took it again twice before we went to bed. It was down below 100, but I still slept with my door open, so I could hear if they called. She is planning to go to the doctor this morning. She was quite lucid, but apparently has been sleeping a lot. She looked pretty white.
And so it is, good and bad together.
glad you had a nice trip, and hope the good prevails...