I have a cold. I feel like germs are just hovering all the time, waiting for a chance to make me sick, and when I am stressed, they have an opening. I mean the kind of stressful incident where your hands are shaking and you feel sick because you're so upset. You know about my earlier week. Well, one more thing happened yesterday. A work-related friend wanted to bring a candidate for Executive Director to the shelter and give her a tour. I said I didn't think it was appropriate. He said a board member had told him it was all right. I said, "if she calls me and tells me to let her in, I will." He said it is a public facility, anyone can come in. I said no, we don't let people in, it is a confidentiality issue." He said he would call the board member, but he was not happy about this. His manner was very high-handed. I quickly emailed 3 board members and told them the situation. One called immediately and was sympathetic. The president sent an email and said I needed to cooperate because we wanted to preserve a good working relationship with him. Then he called back and asked again, so I said yes. I hid in the director's office and let the interns answer the door and let him show her around. I sure hope they don't pick her. I will probably have to find another job in that case.
The president came by later and picked up the applications and signed a reimbursement request. She was appreciative. There was a board meeting last night but I said I could not attend because of choir.
Kerri was home yesterday working on her comps. I was thinking about her most of the day. The residents were pretty quiet until 3 when kids came home from school and were very loud. I mentioned it to one Mom and she said, I didn't know you were here. I thought it was okay since it was 3 o'clock. I said, "it's okay for you to be here, but it is still an office, whether I'm here or not, just try to keep it down a little."
Molli had asked me to wake her. She walked out to get the paper with me and stayed up while I ate breakfast. Then she went back to bed. Ray slept in a little. He and Molli took a long walk, then she took a bath in the big tub and loved it. All four of them met me for lunch at the National. Then I drove her to the shuttle, which she took to the Atlanta airport. She did not want to fly on the little plane, even though now you can go through security in Athens and go right to the terminal at Hartsfield.
I went back to the office for less than an hour. When it started getting noisy, I left the interns in charge and went home. I have managed to schedule two different people for lunch tomorrow. Plus I forgot to pay the taxes on Friday. I paid them yesterday, but will probably have to pay a late fee. It's partly from having 2 different computers I go back and forth between and just having a lot going on.
I asked my parents to make us the hot beverage from the Twin Yolks blog (below left) and we all sat there sipping it as it got dark out. The Captain and I talked about what to plant in the garden next year and maybe getting chickens. I started reading The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind. It's really interesting. We didn't really have dinner, but The Captain cut me some turkey and I made a nice turkey sandwich--the taste of Thanksgiving. After the drinks were gone, we moved into the TV room. I didn't even knit much and was in bed by 9ish.
Dairy Free Alfredo Sauce
This dairy free Alfredo sauce recipe is the most luscious emulsion made
with a base of cashews and olive oil packed with cheesy umami flavor from
miso an...
1 week ago
Did you make the Ski Lift or the other one (is it a Tom & Jerry?)? I'm so sorry you're sick and had a rough week. I just read Casey's blog, since I saw it in your list and you said he and his wife just had a baby. I didn't know he was in Japan or teaching English (but I've never known much about him). I enjoyed reading his blog--he's a good writer, and the pictures of the baby are wonderful. I can't wait to go to Seattle next week and see Lidet, Nate, Polly, Jim, Chris, and the O'Briens (John, Elizabeth, and Rob (Rosey)), who used to live here. They also have a daughter (who now identifies as male) who goes to Sarah Lawrence, but s/he won't be home. Sorry, I'm having trouble with the adjustment. I'll get straightened out on how I'm supposed to refer to Lila/Liam when I'm there. (Even though Rosey changed her name to Rob quite a while ago, she still identifies as female.) It's all a bit confusing. I completely support the right to choose one's gender, but I'm still having trouble getting used to it. Lila was very feminine up until a few years ago. However, he seemed very happy last summer when he started identifying as male. He's now changed his name to Liam.