
Sunday, May 31, 2009

Yesterday was not all good times. It was mostly working on my video, finding out that I couldn't save it to a DVD. I drove to the Fellowship to show it to the Sunday Service Committee, but they didn't have time to watch it. The sound quality is not good, it is too long and I need to re-shoot a lot of scenes, USING THE TRIPOD!

We did go out to dinner at Farm 255 for my birthday and then to a play. Well, the show was The Spell of Sleeping Beauty, featuring children. It was certainly entertaining. The Captain and Vanessa enjoyed it.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Yesterday morning I arrived at the office to find the night staff person had locked the keys in a storeroom, so I could not get in. I had brought my own chair, so sat in it in the hall, read all the bulletin boards and talked to Shawn while waiting for Alison to arrive (an hour?) with keys. It was fine. I also brought my own mug and some music from the car to put on the computer (priorities--you don't expect me to work without tunes, do you?). As far as work, I don't know that I did that much, but did have some conversations with Alison, who suggested that my job might be full time if I wanted and that we would discuss what things I wanted to help her with. We'll see.

Then I spent an hour working on the books at ALPS. Then I came home and edited my video, which I am supposed to show at the SSC retreat today. It will not be done, but I can show it. (I bought some DVDs to burn).

Captain and Vanessa had a great time at the UUFA. It was Games Night. He played Trivial Pursuit; she won two games of Scrabble.

Friday, May 29, 2009

more beans

At the risk of sounding ungrateful, I am going to complain about some things at my new job. This does not mean I am not happy to be there. I was freezing cold, sneezing and practically shivering. The director apparently did not know which themostat controlled our offices. When I spoke to the previous AD briefly on the phone, she told me where it was. Then I had to find someone with a key to open it and she needed batteries to fix it. Hopefully it will be better today.

The chair was uncomfortable and rocky, so I am bringing one from home (the one that was replaced when Ray got me this nice new one for my birthday). The computer is set up on the desk--I have seen this in lots of offices. How can you spend a lot of time on a computer whose keyboard is too high? You will have back problems. I don't think they have changed any furniture; perhaps she was not constantly on the computer? The director's is the same way. The keyboard should be at a height you can comfortably reach with your elbows bent less than 90 degrees. Raising the chair can help sometimes, but you should still have your feet touch the floor. I am not sure how I can advocate for different furniture. It is a "nice" older desk, with a matching file cabinet.

The third complaint is pretty mild and easy to change--no music on the computer. Actually, there are a few songs from groups I have not heard of (except the Shins, which was way too loud for work). I will bring in the CDs I have in the car and put them on. Most of the time I won't be listening to music, while the director and the PR Americorps volunteer are right next door.

Do you remember what it's like to start a new job? Fun and exciting to be shown around and given keys and meet people...but you feel out of place and ignorant. Everyone else is coming and going, doing what they are supposed to. Every now and then, they bring you a piece of paper and say, "I don't know what Jane did with these..." And you think, there doesn't seem to be that much to do. I don't know how she kept busy for 5 hours a day...but I know that won't be a problem after a while. People ask you questions you can't answer.

However, I have already written myself my first paycheck and can't wait to start making ends meet!

After work, I came home and worked a little on my video before going to my next-to-last class. I discovered that I should have used a remote mike to tape Karen at UUFA. The sound is not loud enough to use, which is too bad. She really said everything well. I will have her talk into my headset (thaks, Molli), which I have been using for my voiceovers, and re-record everything. I'm not sure how I am going to get that done before Saturday morning! Going to work is taking up some of my free time!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

cabbages, broccoli, lettuce, Chinese cabbage

I was pretty happy all day yesterday to have a job! Ray and I played racquetball pretty early and then Janna and I cooked all day. We did this about a year and a half ago, when we were both unemployed and she found out she had a job. So, the next time one of us needs work, we just have to schedule a cooking day! It's very fun and of course, we now have 5 meals in the freezer. The beginning of the day is chopping vegetables (I cut up 6 onions, for instance, and peeled a lot of carrots) and we are having a great time. About 4 hours later, we are really tired and having to rest more often, but happy with the way the dishes are progressing: coq au vin, chicken cacciatore, soup, burritos, chicken pot pie...I found it on the web then; it's from Woman's Day. I can't imagine doing it alone, but it's fun with a friend who likes to cook.

I spent an hour at work, learning to do payroll. It seems very easy. Of course it is not all wonderful. I have a tiny, windowless office, right next to the director's. she was sticking her head in every minute to say something and then, "OK, I won't interrupt any more, I promise." We'll see.

Then potluck and choir rehearsal and home to bed.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009


I got a job! OMG! yay!!

Racquetball in the morning, then grocery shopping with Janna for our cook-a-thon today. Then she and I and Ray went out to lunch because we were hungry. We had to wait a few minutes for them to open at 11:30.

I worked on my video in the afternoon (with a cable Ray borrowed). It is just like the movies; most of what I taped ends up on the "cutting room floor."

Around 5:00, the phone rang and it was Allison from the Homeless Shelter. She said she was tired from all the interviews and I was by far the most qualified! She had talked to Courtney and Mary Kelley and they had said I would be great, so would I accept the job? I said, I had a couple questions first, like what would they pay me? She said they were offering $14 and I said that was too low. She checked and called me back offering $15. Not a lot, but a nice gesture. And she was very excited about us working together and I am too. No benefits, no paid leave, annual review. I start tonight...they are doing payroll and I am going to watch. Then I will work 8-1 Monday-Friday...starting tomorrow!!! I am so happy--I have already planned how I will spend all my money.


Tuesday, May 26, 2009

first snapdragon

I woke up a little before 5:30, from a dream where I was in a city (New York, but no place I recognized) trying to figure out how to get to the train I needed...I was feeling panicked--maybe it's the videos I have to get done? maybe it's the incredibly humid weather that means our windows are closed and it's hot in our room?

Yesterday was a very good Memorial Day. I went early to meet Karen and filmed for about an hour. I can't wait to get the Firewire cable I need to transfer the footage to the computer. But first I have to submit a one-page proposal to the professor (due today). And then I have to make a 60 second "free topic" video. I am planning to do something about energy-efficieant building (using footage of my house). Yesterday, I started by vacuuming the house. I had some blank storyboards all day, but didn't put anything down.

I did a very little work outside when it wasn't raining much. We played a game of Oh Hell and I won--Ray and I were tied for several hands, but he didn't make his bid the last time and I did. The Captain admitted though that he helped me win.

We had supper at Memorial Park with a lot of UU's--the sun stayed out long enough to make it pleasant. It was kind of crowded and we didn't really visit a lot with anyone, but I guess it's fun to have a group to be part of on the holiday. The Captain has started referring to himself as a UU (as in we're UU's) and I think I am touched. It was never my intention to convert them. Jackie P. is a quiet woman, maybe a little younger than me, maybe older. She is apparently a raptor expert volunteer and showed us up close first a peregrine falcon (remember how you used to read it, Amelia?) and then a barn owl, and talked about them. Peregrine falcons can go as fast as 200 mph when diving for prey! It was fun to be at Memorial Park Zoo again after so many years, but I missed having young children to be amazed with.

Monday, May 25, 2009

baby peach tree with baby peaches

We planted this a few months ago and it had the baby peaches on it already. I don't know how well they will do. I am supposed to remove most of them, so the rest will do okay. Many have fallen off, but I haven't quite gotten the nerve to remove more.

Yesterday the choir sang "Wanting Memories" by Ysaye Barnwell. The words start: "I am sitting here wanting memories to teach me to see the beauty of the world through my own eyes. (repeat). You used to rock me in the cradle of your arms. You said you'd comfort me at times like these...and now I need you...And you are gone." It is a beautiful song. Jenny tried to sing it with us, but she just couldn't stop crying. Her mother died a year ago. I caught Karen S. after the service and asked her about helping with the video and she said yes. I am so excited! We are meeting at the Fellowship at 9 to make a training video for volunteers who want to be welcomers. We will shoot a lot of footage and that will be my final project! yay! and it could be useful to others!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Here it is, my first PSA. I am a little reluctant to share it with you, because it is not perfect. I think that is the nature of making videos (or writing or making pots...); you can spend a lot of time trying to polish them. Yesterday, I spent all day learning about videos and working on this one, which I had to submit before the end of the day.

We were happy to be invited to a going-away party for the Benders at Janna's house and brought a salad for it. But I was still in the zone, with videos on the brain. And I didn't know a lot of the people there well. So I had this idea to videotape the guests' memories of and wishes for the Benders. I even sent Ray to buy new tapes and a tripod, to make sure I had good quality footage. It went pretty well--some people really liked the idea, some refused to participate. We'll see. I don't think it will end up being one of my assignments--it's longer than 60 seconds for sure...and there are not a lot of skills involved in filming and editing a series of comments by people sitting in the same place. I certainly don't think it would qualify as educational. We'll see when I start working on it.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Good morning!

Yesterday was pretty boring, unless you like editing videos. We did play racquetball, but I was very tired and logy and took a long time to warm up, I guess from driving and class the night before. After that, we just came home. I spent a little time weeding. For two days, it has seemed like it would rain any minute, but we only get a few drops. After lunch, I spent several hours on the PSA video, which is a lot harder than you would think. You take whatever "raw footage" you have taped, put it in the order you want (not necessarily the order in which it was shot), cut out the parts that don't work, add still pictures if you want, add titles (words), music, voices...I could spend my life on it and I have questions that the professor may be able to answer for me. But it's interesting to learn something new and work on something that combines some creativity with technical skill.

Friday, May 22, 2009

ready for my interview

Yesterday morning, couldn't do much. Had to wash hair early so it would dry and get dressed for my job interview: taupe suit, purple sweater...even lipstick. I wore a headband, but I don't think I am in this picture. The interview went well. I liked the new director, Alison. Also presented was the existing assistant director, Jane, who I have met once or twice before. They asked those questions like, "tell me about a time when you had several things to get done at once." I can never remember any specific examples when I am asked. They wanted to know about my QuickBooks experience and even gave me a test, which I am not sure I did that well on. Just give me the computer and I'll do the work, but I might not remember the names for the different steps...They also asked some accounting questions, like what is an asset... I did not get the impression that they were ready to hire me on the spot. Perhaps they had interviewed someone else earlier that they liked better. But I would really like the job. Bookkeeping, reports, ordering supplies, very little contact with clients...or the Board! 8-1 Mon-Friday... but we'll see.

A little work for my class and then driving to Gwinnett with Sean, who is a really nice young man (well, not that young). He and his wife are expecting their first child in August. He is a librarian at Gainesville College, the Watkinsville branch. I enjoy his company, and he seems perfectly happy with mine as well. Last night coming home, he had to man my iPod, looking for lively or at least sing-along songs to keep me awake. Class yesterday seemed to go on a long time. I am truly grateful that it is not 5 hours as planned, but 4 is still a lot! OK, well I better get to making my PSA, which is due tomorrow!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Yes, this is a real velvet hat, with a little cube on top.


I have an interview at 11 am for the position of Assistant Director at the Homeless Shelter. This would be part time: bookkeeping, writing reports and doing other support work. It would not be the person on call or even having to deal with clients much. There is a new director and apparently most of the staff has quit. Hmm. Hopefully she and I will get along.

We played racquetball yesterday morning and went grocery shopping with my Mom (Wednesday is senior rewards day). I worked in the yard a little, but the sun was too hot in the early afternoon. I talked to Ray Macnair and Linda Lloyd about a PSA for I even dreamed about videotaping.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

roses in bloom

The big rose bush by the steps was a gift to Molli years ago on her birthday--her tenth, I think--from her friends Mark and Hugh. We have dug it up and moved it twice from its original location. I guess roses aren't quite as delicate as I thought. The profusion of blooms on the left side of the plant are from the root stock, more like a wild rose. The fancy hybrid roses bloom singly on the right side. We kind of like having both.

Yesterday, Janna and I went shopping with Mark's girlfriend (He is now, like Molli, an adult and studying public heath at grad school in Alabama). Her name is Ana and she is from El Salvador. Her father will be a cabinet member in the new government in that country. She will attend the inauguration on June 1, and some fancy parties before and after. So she needed some really nice dresses. Janna and I enjoyed taking her to some of the clothng stores in Athens to try on dresses. She looked great in lots of them--and we don't have to pay the bill! We were trying to figure out if college girls or their parents would hire us to help them shop! (probably not). Hopefully, she will send me pictures after June 1 that I can share with you. Hilary Clinton will attend and Ana wants a photo with her. She was trying to think of what she should say to her if she had the chance. "I admired your work as first lady."? "How about those primaries!"?

By the time I was getting ready to go to class, my headache was pretty much gone, thanks perhaps in part to the sweet tea I had for lunch. Janna drinks Coke sometimes when she is getting a migraine; she says the caffeine helps. Sean drove me to class and I brought another big salad to share. Other people brought fruit, cheese, crackers.

In the next two weeks, I will have to shoot and edit three videos: a PSA (30 seconds), a free topic (60 seconds) and a final project with some educational purpose (5 minutes). These are fun and exciting assignments, but a little stressful. Like so many things, making videos can easily consume as much time as you have. The first part is coming up with the ideas and making storyboards. These are sketches and notes about the different shots that will go into your video. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

beans, cucumber, chard, turnips


Every once in a while I get a migraine headache. This morning at 2, I woke up with one. I took a Tylenol. Then I woke Ray up to take care of me. He got a cold cloth and rubbed my head. Eventually, I threw up some and got better enough to sleep. This morning, I feel shaky and have a headache, but it's not a migraine. I had a headache yesterday, maybe from the sudden change in the weather (it was 45 here last night) or maybe from spending time on my computer trying to upload my homework assignment to web CT. And figure out how to capture scenes from a DVD for my other assignment. I also have read that onions are a trigger for migraines, and our soup had a lot of onions in it.

We were supposed to go out to dinner last night for my birthday (my parents' treat), but when Ray called the restaurant at 4, they aren't open on Mondays. My Dad wanted me to go to a different restaurant, but I had my heart set on Farm 255. So then we had to find something to eat quickly. We had linguica in the freezer (brought from the Cape by Ray's Mom) and needed to use up cabbage, so we made that.

It is nice and cool out for working, or cooking. Interestingly, there is not a lot that needs doing at the moment. Nearly every space is planted with something and we are caught up on weeding and mulching. There are some ornamentals (non-veggies) that could be mulched with wood chips. Ray raked the driveway and got rid of the pile of wood out back. And with all this going out to eat, there is not a lot of cooking to do. Plus, Ray is upset because he has gained back the weight he lost, so I need to not make cookies.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Molli, Aunt El, Patty

This is a picture from a year ago, when Molli graduated from Middlebury. I have to look back every now and then to know where I am today. Sometimes a year seems a long time, sometimes not so much. (After class on Saturday, I realize we need some additional lighting from the other side to get rid of those shadows!)

Yesterday, it rained all day, a gentle rain, but with the last few days, the garden doesn't need any more for a week, and the barrels are all full. Ray and I went to the Fellowship, where we sang (not Ray) the theme song from Rent (525, 600 minutes...) and there was a bridging ceremony. Children who are graduating from high school "bridge" to adulthood. Ruthanne Hartel was one and Emily Silva was another. Emily, her sister Madison, and Sam Wallace read statements about what UUFA means to them. I love that stuff. I would be a youth advisor, but I can't convince Ray to join me and don't need any more activities without him. Of course, it reminds me of my own children, but I love watching them grow up even if they are not mine. It is such a hopeful thing. I often cry, from joy, but also sadness at my own age and cynicism.

We came home, did a little cooking, and went to the movies. We almost never go to the movies in the full-price theater, but the rain meant we needed to go somewhere and do something. And we went before 6, so we only had to pay $6.50 instead of $8.75. Plus popcorn and Coke. I really enjoyed it, I must say. I think we all did. Very true to the original series. Someone did their homework well. (Ray was pointing out extreme closeups and long shots)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

birthday picture (yes I have wet hair)

Yesterday was mainly taken up with going to class from 10-5 in Gwinnett County. Laura arrived a little before 10 and she and I waited for Sean, who drove and was about 15 minutes late getting here. He had to get gas...

Class was mainly enjoyable, did not seem to drag on. Editing is one of those things you can spend hours on without noticing. I will say I am not a natural at don't expect greatness any time soon. There are definite jumps in my 30 second video of a classmate buying a Coke. I do sometimes think to myself, I could teach this better...The professor's native language is not English, although he is probably brilliant and a lovely person. He brought in a real-life video editor from the College of Education, whose English was fine and he was clearly knowledgeable. He taught us about lighting and audio. He also demonstrated how to use the editing software, but I am not using their computers and their software. I am using iMovie on my Mac. There are a couple other people who are as well and fortunately they know a little bit about it. Clearly, if I want to spend hours fooling around with it, I can learn a lot.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

my new chair (that Ray gave me for my birthday)

I had a lovely day yesterday. It was a beautiful morning, coolish but sunny. I worked outside for hours. Lots of my favorite people called to wish me happy birthday. Ray worked otuside with me. I had a nice bath. My Mom made iced tea. I did my storyboards for my class today. We had a nice supper. I went to the Board retreat at Wilma's and was glad I did not have to be president any more. When I came home, we had birthday cake!

(See Bonney's blog for my comments to the EPA)

Friday, May 15, 2009

It's my birthday!

A beautiful morning in Athens, as the sun comes up. I can hear the birds chirping through the open windows, because a nice breeze is blowing. Time to open up the house and cool it off as much as possible before the outside temperature gets up to 85. I am listening to them with my eyes closed, thinking I should know what bird is making what noise, but I don't.

When I get up, I am achy from driving to and from Gwinnett for class last night, and sitting there for 4 hours. I drove Sean, a young man who is working as a librarian in Watkinsville. He and his wife are expecting their first child in August! I am jealous, but not about the being hugely pregnant or the being wakened during the night for weeks and months.

Class was fun, but mostly because I like meeting people and getting to know them. One woman is a real movie buff. Today I have to work on making storyboards. Yesterday I had to look for Extreme Closeup shots in movies, so I got to watch some of Fifth Element. Thanks to youtube for a clip of the Diva Dance--and Leeloo's face!

I brought a garden salad to share with the group during our dinner break. As Peggy said, if we go out to eat 3 times a week for three weeks, that will really add up. tuesday night we ordered pizza. It was really good--but $5 each. spinach and mushroom...She brought crackers.

Also yesterday, Vanessa and I drove Captain to the blood center to donate, Ray to a meeting at the UUFA about the sound booth, then we went to Watkinsville to the peach stand. No peaches yet! We had some peach ice cream, though. They had nice herbs and plants for sale, but nothing we needed (well, I could always buy more plants). Then we went to Athens Seed, where I bought some sweet potato plants. 50 for $5--you just buy them in a bunch. they look dead, but eventuallly grow just fine. Sweet potatoes are hard to kill. And I bought some diatomaceous earth, which is supposed to discourage the flea beetles that are eating our Chinese cabbages, turnips, and some beans.We had some natural poison, but it kills ladybugs and bees too. This organic gardening is hard.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

one of my baby pecan trees

Lying in bed this morning, musing about being old (or at least older), I think about how I generally ache when I get up now. Sometimes from gardening or playing racquetball, but I think even from sitting in front of the TV or computer. I'm just stiff and sore when I get up: my back, my neck, my's okay, it's not debilitating, it just makes me think about when I used to jump up every morning, happy and ready to go.

I have "mental aches" too. Even when I am not really unhappy, there is "stuff" in the back of my mind weighing me down. Not just the big unhappy events, like the recent deaths, but lots of little details of my life. I am happy and even a little excited to be taking this course on making videos, for instance, but that means I need to do my homework. I want to be a good "green" citizen, but in order to do that, I need to arrange for carpooling to said class. I like cooking and eating locally and saving money and being healthy, but all that is work. Not to say it is unpleasant, and as I lie there I think of all I have to be grateful for. But even that reminds me of the many people who have less than I do to be grateful for (and more to be unhappy about) and adds to the burden of responsibility and sadness. That is not to say I am dwelling on it or depressed about it, it is more about the nature of human beings and getting old.

I also found a tick in my hair this morning--gross! But it is now down the drain. I think it was newly arrived and had not latched on yet.

Yesterday morning, Ray and I went and ushered for a Rose of Athens production of Winnie the Pooh. It was a children's show and several classes came to see it. It was very good and we enjoyed seeing people we knew (including neighbor Katie Dodson). I must say that it was more professional than many plays I have seen and been involved in lately. I think it is a professional non-profit theater, that is, the actors are paid.

We picked up Vanessa and went to the grocery store. Ray was a little obnoxious checking out. Vanessa and I stood there watching while he scanned and bagged the groceries. We were not allowed to help at all. sigh.

Had some lunch and did some work outside--it was cool and overcast with drops of rain, but didn't really rain. Captain watered the garden with water from the rain barrels, quite a production. We made a big salad for potluck and picked up Janna to take with us. I think she enjoyed it, talking mostly to Ange. Ray took her home while I went to choir rehearsal and sang.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

blackberries in bloom

Last night was my first class for Maymester. It was pretty good, although I was falling asleep the last hour and still had to drive home an hour! Fun to be there with other people instead of on line. Fun to make videos and learn about making videos. Other than that, yesterday included racquetball, looking for books for my class and waiting while Ray went all over campus getting his grade changes signed by department head and deans because he didn't submit them before the 7 pm deadline Monday. Then lunch and gardening. I liked Jackson Street Books, a used bookstore, but they didn't have what I needed.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

This baby magnolia tree I bought and planted in the front yard kept being eaten down by deer. Now it has had hardware cloth around it for a year, it is doing really well. Rain is good too.

Made bread and yogurt. Worked outside. The weather turned cooler; it is so pleasant. Highs in the 70s today too. Ray was working on his grades all day; they had to be turned in by 7 pm.

Last night, I went to a housing counseling sub-committee meeting. Nothing too exciting or new. I guess I should be honored to be asked, but I find large meetings somewhat pointless. We have to come up with a strategy by September.

I went looking for textbooks for my summer classes, but the bookstores were closed (after 6). Athens is quasi-deserted now. It's nice, but a little odd.

Then I met Ray and my parents for dinner--our mother's day celebration. We had a really nice time--$200 worth! champagne, appetizers, duck....

Monday, May 11, 2009

Now I am tired and sad, missing Molli. It is thundering and lightning here. We are finally getting the rain that was threatening last night. The rain barrels were already full, but it's good to have rain again. The garden loves rain and warm weather and sun. I will have to give away more lettuce; we can't eat it all fast enough. As it gets hotter, it is starting to bolt--grow taller, go to seed, and taste bitter. We have Black-Seeded Simpson, Red Sails and Buttercrunch. Buttercrunch tastes the best.

I read some yesterday, a book by Louisa May Alcott that was discovered 100 years after her death. It is melodramatic--the story of an unhappy love affair of a young girl and a much older worldly man. Gardened some, although it was too hot most of the day. We had drinks on the deck, waiting for the rain. I made a sort of not-too-great dish with turkey leftovers, that didn't seem worthy of being Vanessa's Mother's Day treat. But she loves the mocha cupcakes I made for the party Saturday. They are good--Molli frosted them! We didn't take her out yesterday because it seemed likely to be crowded at all the good places. We will go out tonight.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Well, we took Molli back to the airport early this morning and were home before lunch. She has already called from Mexico City. Yesterday we had a lovely Open House party for a few people from Vanessa's exercise class, a few people from the Fellowship, and a few of our good friends, Janna, Becky, Kent, Bertha, Ronnie, Greg, and Sarah. The weather was good, hot but some clouds and breeze, no rain. We sat on the porch and drank sangria, showed off the tractor and garden, gave away some radishes and lettuce. It was quite pleasant and we have some good leftovers now--iced tea, sangria, cupcakes, cookies.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

As usual, we are trying to cram too much in too short a time. Molli got up yesterday in time to take Vanessa to her class, then meet Katie and Will for breakfast. Fortunately, I decided to go along to pick up some things at the grocery store (more sugar for baking). So, when Molli's friends were running late, I could take her to the bank and then to meet them at Jittery Joe's. (Will has a funky little beard and looks completely different). Then I went to the grocery store. I didn't have very much to get, but Molli's boss wanted 15 bags of fritos (Scoops) and several other people wanted candy or chips. Nice--the best thing we can export! So, I bought all those, then picked up Vanessa, then called Molli. She was not ready to be picked up, of course, but in fairness, she was doing something good, visiting Harriet at Clarke Central. So we went home to gather up everybody, put away groceries and take a shower. Then we all piled in the car, met Molli, and drove to the Tanger Outlet mall. The Captain wanted shorts and socks, Vanessa shoes, Ray shoes, Molli everything, and I bought a couple pairs of shoes too. Bass was having a big sale. Of course, Vanessa and the Captain only wanted to visit a couple stores and then they were ready to go home. I knew this was going to be a problem. We found a restaurant (Ruby Tuesday--it was ok for a chain) and ate lunch (by now it was 2). After we ate, Molli and I left them there and drove back to the stores. She found the boots Adrian wanted in the second shoe store, jeans for him at Wrangler, a shirt at J. Crew. I told her no, we couldn't go by Banana Republic to look at t-shirts because I knew they would be waiting impatiently. We had been gone an hour. But nobody was too crabby. We got home, had to make the stuffing for the turkey and get it in the oven (all Vanessa). Then Molli worked on repacking her suitcases (and admiring her new purchases) and make some phone calls. After awhile I started on the potatoes, sweet potatoes, squash and green beans. I went outside for a few minutes in the cool of the evening, but it was unbearably humid. Yup! We ate turkey dinner about 8. Then Molli frosted the cake, we watched some TV and ate it. Didn't go to bed until almost midnight and woke up at 6.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Molli's home!

Yesterday, we worked in the garden some, then Vanessa and I went to pick strawberries again. They were not quite as good as last time, because of all the rain, but still really hard on the back. We each picked a gallon, then came home and put some of them in the freezer (OK, she mostly did that). I made a coconut cake for Molli, which I will frost later today with whipped cream. And I made supper. Meanwhile, phone calls from Molli off and on reporting progress...until she realized her battery was dying. Flights were delayed, she was on standby. Bottom line: she got to ATL an hour earlier than scheduled and we got there just about the time she did...but no checked bags! They are supposed to deliver them here when they show up, but haven't yet.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Molli's coming!

Yesterday morning, after Ray and Janna had left for a 9:00 meeting, the phone rang, Captain answered it and it was Molli. I just about grabbed it away from him. I was worried that something was wrong and that was the reason she was calling at such an unusual time. But no! She is going to Baltimore for her work again and they are letting her come back through Atlanta. She arrives 10:30 tonight and leaves again 9:30 Sunday morning.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Ray and I played racquetball in the morning. I managed to win the second game again. I bought a few groceries and came home to start on the quiches.

Yesterday was Janna's birthday, but her husband was out of town. So we had dinner for her here, inviting her nephew and his wife and daughter, Sarah, who just turned 3. We had been wanting them to come out, thinking gardening and kids should go together. Sarah helped pull up the radishes and harvest lettuce and herbs for our dinner. She was awfully cute, with 7 adults to watch and take care of her. After dinner, we even sat on the porch for a while (not too hot yet).

We've been having some rain, which means the garden is gorgeous, but working in it will definitely get you muddy.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Yesterday, we played racquetball again. He won one 16-14 and I won one 16-14. This does not actually mean we are equally matched, but that Ray carefully controls himself to make sure I win some. Which is kind of nice, but kind of aggravating.

Then I did some errands. After lunch at home, Captain and I did some work in the garden, planting beets and weeding, even though it was really wet from the rain earlier. It is looking really good.

Then we all went to the National and met Ray for dinner and a movie. It was very enjoyable.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Marie's Memorial Service

Well, there is some heavy-heartedness this morning, but I am much better than yesterday.

Ray and I did some cleaning up yesterday morning. I vacuumed. Captain and Vanessa had people coming to play bridge. I think they felt bad that we were thrashing around to clean for them, but it's good to have an incentive. It turned out to be Ann Stoneburner and Robert Wyatt (I may not be getting the names exactly right). They have a son who is in grad. school in Brazil...because that's where his girlfriend is. Ray recognized them; we're not sure from where--maybe swimming or cross-country?

Dave and Don did a service on ministerial transitions yesterday. It was about how hard it is to be a minister, because you have to care deeply about your parishioners, but you can't be friends with them...and then you have to leave them for their own good. Terre's name was not menioned, but I think that's what it was about. They (ministers) are apparently not given much training about this...or even warned. One guy was quoted as saying he would not have signed up if anyone had told him ahead of time. Anyway, Don also talked about how hard it was to leave an agency and clients...and I thought, yes, I am still grieving for leaving IHN. Anyway, a good service. We grabbed some lunch at Dos Palmas (fish tacos for me) and were back in time for Gary Anderson's memorial service. I did not know him and am not very close to Lisa, but she is a very private and quiet person. There were only about 20 at the service. I often think, when I attend a memorial, about what music I want at my service--there are so many good ones!
"Comfort Me" is a great hymn.

I had to leave before it was over in order to get to Marie's service at 3, which was embarrassing, since the choir was sitting in the front. Ray and I always find it hard to atttend Christian services. He says why do they talk about a merciful God? I like to sing, it feels like something I can contribute, so don't worry that I don't agree with the words. But I do feel like a hypocrite bowing my head and saying (to myself) no no no. Florence King was there once again, singing "How Can I Keep from Singing?" with a great big smile. It was almost creepy, but I know she is hurting a lot too.

After the service there was a reception, lots of good food of which I had none. Just water. The children were there: Beth (10) and Jim (8). I had not seen them much lately, although Beth was in Inherit the Wind with us years ago (7?). They were surrounded by their friends, because of course they left town suddenly last Saturday and didn't get to say goodbye to them, so this was good for them, I think. Harriet was sticking close to Jim--I suppose family members were busy greeting. She said the children had not been told who killed their mother, but they must have suspected or wondered why he wasn't taking care of them. She was on guard for one of the friends to say something to him, but it didn't happen. I was trying to take care of her as much as possible, which involved bringing her a glass of water. I met Regina Quick, who was a family lawyer with Marie, and clearly very shaken. Kay Giese was there, too. There were pieces of paper where any of us could write down our happy memories of Marie for Jim or Beth. I could not really think of anything to write--she was witty and elegant--everyone has said that, but not any specific stories to share. Ray took one--I assume he wrote about Noises Off. He is truly upset as well. Although he has been angry at me, he assures me he would never shoot me. He cannot fathom anyone killing another person.

The chiffon cake with strawberries and whipped cream was out of this world! I slept pretty well, but still woke up too early.

It's raining again now (yay!).

Sunday, May 3, 2009

More grief

Well, the darkness is really here now. I knew it was too easy. I had trouble falling asleep lsst night. I am afraid the killer is out there, coming this way. This house is too exposed, too alone and has too much glass. They found his car in a ravine less than a mile from here.

We worked outside a little bit in the morning. Vanessa made a chiffon cake.Then we all drove to anderson, SC to visit a goat farm. It was very enjoyable. The weather was sunny, but not too hot. they have border collies and Pyrenees dogs to guard and work with the goats. We ate goat chili and sampled their yogurt and cheese. Ray and I toured the milking parlor.

The farm (Split Creek Farm) is owned by two women. They have about 12 full-time employees and 200 does that they milk twice a day. I would love to get all my dairy from them, which is possible in Athens through Locally Grown (how I first heard about them). But id did not make me want to woan a farm! It is all natural and organic. They are even certified to sell raw milk. But one of the amazing things is they keep the males too. They feed them and care for them. Apparently, one of the women feels it is not their fault they were born male.

Then we drove home again. It rained so hard we stopped for a while. When we got home, it had rained a little here too, so that was good. We quickly made supper, making time for mint juleps in front of the Kentucky Derby. Then Ray and I went to Clarke Central to see the Miracle Worker. It was very good. Laura Conroy had a big part as Helen's mother, but I didn't know any of the others. Harriet is holding up by focusing on everything she has to do. But she is very close to falling apart. She and marie took a trip every summer. I didn't know that, but I am glad they did. What is there that I should be doing while I can?

Saturday, May 2, 2009

We did a couple great things yesterday. And, as an aside, Ray has been good company when I needed him this week, even though he is busy making up his tests for finals next week. We left about 8 to pick up Janna. She was presenting at a conference on educational policy. I stayed for the first hour. I didn't learn anything really interesting, but met some good people.

I went out to take the bus up to north campus. There was a woman there who had stayed at IHN. She had been one of the most difficult. She hugged me and told me she had been working at Dial America for three years. It was very strange, but made me feel pretty good.

I met Ray at the chapel for Ben's memorial service. It was amazing! Of course, I saw lots of people that I know and love. People were hugging me that I couldn't remember who they were... But the service was designed to be funny and upbeat, with a minimum of weepy reminiscences and many talented people. Derek says we should talk about Ben in the present tense. He talked about throwing away some screws as they struck the set for Sherlock Holmes and thinking...Ben is going to be pissed...Jeff Evans played the bagpipes...Allen Rowell read...John Vance read...and at the end, Florence King led a singalong of "Here Comes the Sun." Apparently Fran doesn't drive...she was fine, and is going to visit her sisters, but will need support later. I talked to Ben's mom, who seemed truly amazed at the tremendous number of people who loved him. Dave Anderson says Harriet will crash soon. I said call me. I'll be there...

After the luncheon at the Holiday Inn, where I talked to Molly Moran and Janet Robertson mostly, I met my Mom at Talbot's for some retail therapy (a violation of my anti-consumer pledge...has it been a month yet?). I bought a cute skirt with a matching purple top. I really like it. We also went to Coldwater Creek. She never had as much shopping stamina as I do, and I know many people who have more. But of course now shopping is really exhausting for her. Just getting in and out of several pairs of pants in a row is hard.

We were going to have potage bonne femme for supper, which Mom had made the day before...but it had gone sour, since it wasn't refrigerated overnight. so sad!

Ray and I went to Cine. Elizabeth Fields (Kelly's daughter) has apparently really found her niche as a poet! She has been the editor of Mandala, a journal of African-American writing at UGA for four years. Now she is going to St. Louis University. She is beautiful and talented (and she is Eris's Mom). Four years ago, she seemed much less confident and somewhat angry and unfocused. Last night she was great. There were even three young black women from Clarke Central, who read their poetry. And Reginald McKnight, who is apparently a professor at UGA and has won lots of national acclaim for his work. There was also a guy, Daniel, who has been studying Arabic and is going to Beirut. It was the party for the publication of Mandala and I really enjoyed it very much.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Job Interview!

OK, it was an ordinary day like any other, when I got an email inviting me to call to set up an interview. This was for a job I had applied for on line at the University of Georgia, to be an instructor in the Upward Bound summer program. I had to try on all my suits with various shirts and ask Ray (!) for advice on which was best. Then I had to worry that my hair was really not appropriate, but could I do anything to make it better?

I planted a couple things, took a shower, got dresed and Ray drove me to Milledge Hall. One of the things that's kind of interesting about the university (and Athens): I have lived here 25 years, had several connections to UGA. I have never been to Milledge Hall, didn't even know where it was, and had never heard of the Division of Instructional Enhancement (I am not sure that is the name). Three women interviewed me. They asked about my qualifications for teaching French, Computer Science, and Drama, so I told them. The program prepares underprivileged high school students, whose parents never went, for college, during 6 weeks on campus every summer. Academic classes (like French) are in the morning. Other classes (like computer science) are in the afternoon. I would have 3 classes: 10th, 11th, 12th graders for 55 minutes each, Monday-Thursday. They will decide by the end of next week. The program starts June 1. I thought the interview went well, but it was only about half an hour. Short is not usually a good sign with job interviews, but I certainly enjoyed feeling competent.

This morning I woke up from a dream about Pre-K, and it took me a while to figure out that this relates to fears about teaching high schoolers. I came to the conclusion that I kind of hope they don't hire me. It would be very part-time, temporary, and doesn't pay very well. It seems like too much stress for that. But we'll see.

Janna and I had lunch at the Lumpkin Cafe. It was very nice and we sat outside. My only regret is we didn't have any dessert! I came home for an hour or so and then went to yoga class, which was very good. I will say my back is hurting again this morning, though. I think sitting here is not good for it, for one thing. We had drinks on the deck, then dinner, then Ray and I watched John Stewart and Firefly. I had to hang up all my clothes before I could go to bed!