Yesterday was Ray's birthday, a lovely warm day. I gave him racquetballs. He got cards from his mother and my mother and his sister Debbie. My parents want to get him a book he had asked for, but they couldn't remember the title or the author's name (Coyne). Amelia has ordered something and it will probably get here today.
I made blueberry pancakes for breakfast (they were pretty good--I have started adding a little cornmeal when I make pancakes, it seems to make them extra tasty). Gramma Lynde enjoyed sitting out on the porch in the sun most of the day. We didn't have to be at the Fellowship this morning, so just stayed here and in fact did not leave (except for walking) all day. This is fortunate, because with the time change, it would have required some rushing around, which we enjoyed not doing. Ray said he wanted to go to a movie, but somehow the day was too short. We did some weeding in the asparagus patch (which I can still feel in my back).
We had our drink and snack on the front porch, and Paul and Tanya and Miles and Don stopped by, with dogs. It was very pleasant. We introduced knock-knock jokes to Miles, who is about to be 5. We were astonished he did not know about them. Of course, then he had to do some himself. "Knock, knock." "Who's there?" "Fence." "Fence who?" "House." Which reminded Ray of "How many surrealists does it take to change a lightbulb?" "fish." Needless to say, Miles did not get that either. Our favorite knock-knock joke is still interrupting cow, but of course Miles did not think it was as funny as we did. I am sure he has been entertaining his parents ever since!
Tuscan White Bean Soup
Best creamy Tuscan white bean soup packed with aromatics, herbs, veggies,
beans and kale. An authentic Zuppa Etrusca / Zuppa Toscana finished with a
11 hours ago
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