I had a great time last night working in the sound booth at the Classic Center for the Dancing with the Athens Stars fundraiser. The guy who actually ran the sound system is union and was enjoyable to work with. They raised $93,000! Isn't that crazy? It was also a fun and excellent show. As a side benefit, it lets you know some of the "stars" in our community--like Courtney Gale, the police officer who was stabbed two years ago and near death, who danced beautifully to "I Will Survive."
Not so much fun scoring essays, but I did pass the qualifying test for fifth graders, with a 72 (actually a pretty good score, higher than previous tests), and scored 3 packets. Hopefully, I can get back up to scoring 6 packets a day and still have some time for cooking and the rest of my life. We did play one game of racquetball, although it was really hard for Ray not to beat me too quickly. I have also gained a pound or two in the week I didn't play.
Sunday's speech at the Fellowship went well. I was asking for additional pledges to meet our budget after cutting staff and reactions were pretty good. We got about half of what we needed Sunday and the rest will come in this week---hopefully!
Also, Ray and I went to see Heidi Hensley at the Melting Point. It was fun. The only people we saw there that we knew were Herb and Myrna (Myrna taught Heidi). It was mainly new songs, which I thought were pretty good, and some covers...including Beyonce...?
Tuscan White Bean Soup
Best creamy Tuscan white bean soup packed with aromatics, herbs, veggies,
beans and kale. An authentic Zuppa Etrusca / Zuppa Toscana finished with a
11 hours ago
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