
Monday, January 5, 2015

Vacation Ends

I've been looking forward to this day for almost a year. On the one hand, I can't wait to do a better job now that I know what I'm doing. On the other hand, I'm pretty nervous about it. I have only two experienced tax pros returning--plus myself--and a bunch of lovely people fresh out of training. I have tried to make up a schedule that gives everyone some hours, but some of these people I have not even met yet! I am afraid I will be working lots of nights and weekends, but it will be fine. It's only for a few months.

There's so much to do, I woke up really early. We have to make sure everyone is on board to use the new software. There was lots of training, but we have to look at the latest update and do 10 or more case studies and see how it works when we have actual clients.

There are some major changes to the tax law, well, one, really. We have to ask every client if they have health insurance. If not, they may have to pay a penalty and they will have to fill out forms. Some clients are going to be very unhappy to lose their expected refund. Even if they do have health insurance, if they got it from the Marketplace (Exchanges), there is more paperwork and the possibility that their subsidy was too large (or too small), which might change their refund or amount due. Lots to learn and changes to anticipate. We have to call clients and get appointments made and do other marketing. So, I can't wait to get started, but I'm a little stressed.

Ray has been working really hard since New Year's to get in lots of walking. He is keeping track of what he eats and making sure he burns more calories than he takes in. I, of course, benefit as well, but we do spend a lot of time and energy discussing things like how much potato was in that soup I made (corn chowder with ham--very yummy).

We had a lovely lunch yesterday with John Z and Gini and John O and Deb--and Nathan. We tried to eat at the Vietnamese place -- closed. We tried the Sultan -- closed. We landed at Chonell's where we enjoyed Southern-style food that is a little less greasy than usual. We went to hear the Solstice Sisters at the library and they were great. We probably knew almost half the people there, mostly UU's.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Walked a mile in the rain. I have some great rain boots that were my mother's, but they are not great for long walks. My feet slide back and forth and they don't support my back like my good boots. I have been saying I would buy some new hiking boots for myself for a few years and I will look for waterproof ones. I think I am a little afraid to buy them. They are expensive and breaking in new hiking boots can be painful.

My mood is a little variable the last few days. I did spend several hours entering expenses from 2014, instead of going to the movies with our friends. This should make me feel good, right? Maybe it will in the long run. Of course, there's always a let down after my family leaves, and the weather has not improved my mood. I just keep telling myself how lucky I am to have a warm fire and a cozy couch and a pile of books to read...not to mention a life partner who does a lot of the dirty work, like bringing in the firewood and washing the dishes.

We have also somewhat virtuously eaten up all our leftovers instead of going out to eat or cooking more. The ham bone turned into a delicious pea soup yesterday, and I have 2 cups of finely chopped ham for an omelet or something like it tonight.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Book Review

Mrs. Pollifax on Safari (Mrs. Pollifax, Book 5)Mrs. Pollifax on Safari by Dorothy Gilman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I admit that Mrs. Pollifax is not great literature, but I really enjoy the premise. This LOL (little old lady) spends most of her time at home taking care of flowers...and yet, every now and then, she flies off to work for the CIA as a spy. Of course, no one would suspect her...she also knows karate. This adventure is in Africa, and the setting is definitely part of the appeal. Of course, it's very light and I never have to worry that anything bad will happen to the heroine. Not really a mystery, hardly a suspense novel...

View all my reviews

Rainy Saturday

Sigh. Gray and rainy, drizzling at the moment. Soggy chickens. Ray is walking. I did my one mile and happily jumped in the tub. I have tea and a fire and I'm comfy. Not the day I wanted, but I'm lucky to be warm and dry and have my helpmeet. The cold is mostly better, just an occasional cough requiring tea and hard candies. Plus, I have lots to do: cleaning and getting rid of stuff and organizing finances for the new year.

Still some leftovers; thinking about my ham bone and some pea soup.

Friday, January 2, 2015

I drove to winder in the rain for an H&R block meeting that started at 930. It's still dark until pretty late, especially with the rain. I had to eat breakfast, make something for the holiday luncheon, get dressed and leave the house by 9. I really wanted to get in a walk, too. By 830, I had eaten and cookies were in the oven, but I didn't have much time for a walk. My walk is pretty important, but maybe not more than a bath...the cookies were in the freezer, so they just had to be arranged on cookie sheets and baked.

I managed about 15 minutes walk and clocked in one minute late. People were still wandering around and the meeting didn't start for a while. I did drive a little faster than usual, cutting about 4 minutes from my drive time. I ordinarily enjoy my leisurely back roads route, but I was happy to be on time. Joan had made snacks for us, candied nuts and popcorn...I managed to eat quite a lot as the meeting crawled along.

At 1230, we clocked out and began the festivities: several kinds of pasta, iceberg lettuce with commercial dressing, and 4 kinds of store bought dessert...2 cookies, 1 pecan pie, 1 cake, and some beautiful homemade cupcakes that were burned on the bottom. I don't think anyone tasted my cookies, but that's fine. I am happy to have them home.

After that was the gift exchange. A fair amount of coffee cups and chocolate, with a smattering of interesting options...a couple of fleecy blanket/throws, a hot dog toaster, an electric neck massager...I got a bottle of stress relieving bubble bath, which is fine...nothing electric for me!

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy new year!

I might start blogging's not really a resolution, more of a side effect. I woke up this morning with a headache, so I took some cold medicine. That might be what inspired me to make a very vague resolution. It's not really to do anything or give up doing something. It's just to give myself permission to relax. I have a lot of rules in my head, to do things a certain way or in a certain order, and my resolution for 2015 is to give myself permission to break those rules, to forgive myself (and maybe others) for not always doing things I think I should. That may or may not result in any changed behavior. It may mean I forgive myself for not forgiving myself. Right now, though, it feels good.

The fact that I have nothing I have to do today may be a factor as well. Most of the people I know are still asleep. I am sitting in my (dirty) bathrobe enjoying the sun coming in and drinking tea on the couch. I am breathing more deeply than usual and trying not to think about things I could/should be doing. Maybe I am resolving to be more in the moment, but without obligation attached. If I feel like it.

I'm not sure about technology...does this mean spending less time connected? I know my devices can cause me to be stressed, especially when they seem not to be working right. I know I was pretty horrified by the amount of time people (especially women) around me last night at a public New Year's Eve part spent looking at their phones. Sometimes we were taking pictures of ourselves and each other. Sometimes we were showing each other photos on our phones. Sometimes I was keeping in touch with loved ones not present.

But mostly, I just preferred muy phone to what was gng on around me. Maybe I don't like noise and crowds.