baby lettuce Captain set out |
It's raining! A lot...steadily for at least a couple of hours. Yay! It was rainy and drizzly yesterday--nice, but not a lot of accumulation. This is the real deal now though!
I made some cookies and stuck the raw balls in the freezer for future baking. Ray and I are not keeping up with the cookie eating (which is good). Anything I bake will be saved for future events. We have delicious bread, banana bread and 3 kinds of cookies, more than enough for two people at risk of diabetes!
last of the tomatoes |
still have cucumbers |
spinach, chard, bok choy |
more zucchini |
the broccoli plants |
carrots and beets |
lettuce and cabbage coming along |
signs in the rain |
I spent a couple of hours at the Arch, sitting in the rain, knitting and holding my umbrella. A gentleman named George was standing near me with a sign most of the time. The bulk of younger people (6-8) were on the other side of the Arch. They put up a tarp to sit under.
putting up a tarp |
I took the bus to another bus to River's Crossing for my 1:00 class. I was damp, but dried off during the class. We talked about the book Ishmael that we had read and the current state of affairs. It was somewhat less discouraging than the last class. Lots of good people.
I took the River's Crossing bus back toward campus, but walked the last 20 minutes to my Dad's apartment. Visited with him for a half hour or so, then went to get Ray. Captain had wanted to get some cash for his trip, but of course banks and post office were closed for Columbus Day. Confusing, because otherwise not a holiday here--schools and businesses as usual. We stopped and got money for him from a cash machine and took it to him.
At home, I was happy to be able to make soup for the first time this fall. Lentil soup from the Romagnolis' cookbook, followed by the chard omelets we've had before. Maybe the best thing to do with chard, of which we have a virtually unlimited supply.
We finished our excellent supper just in time for me to pick up Ray M. and head to the Fellowship for the Green Sanctuary meeting. A good one, although progress is slow.
I needed a drink when I got home, and a couple TV shows before bed.
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