Sounds like it's raining. I slept about 9 hours.
Yesterday morning I took both dogs for a walk. Zoe still growling and attacking Cu when he wants to come up on the porch or in the breezeway. Especially around mealtimes. Not too surprising, but I hope it gets better. We were running late and Ray had to be there at 8;30 to give a makeup quiz (the student didn't get there until 9). When we got in the car, it would not start. Not sure how we ran the battery down--it's never happened before. We took the truck, the big white pickup truck. Took ray to his office, so I was about 15 minutes late. I called first.
Met with Meredith to talk about what we are working on now. the newsletter is next. She set deadlines, we talked about the mailing list and what I should do and what she should do. She likes newsletters and will take it on. We are going to do it quarterly. One annoying and slightly worrisome thing. I left the second key to the new filing cabinet on her desk Friday and it's gone. How safe is it to lock things up if someone potentially has a key? If it turns up, is it safe, or is possible someone made a copy? It seems unlikely that anyone cares enough to go to those lengths...She continues to have serious concerns about one of our staff members and the job that has been done. One of the least of her concerns is constant tardiness. She also showed her feet of clay a little...and how she is too much like me for her own good. A church in Monroe, some 45 minutes from here, will be volunteering this month to do a lot of helpful maintenance--cleaning gutters, repainting the moldy ceiling in one bathroom, replacing some light fixtures, and lots more. They want someone to come speak Sunday morning. They say we have done it other years. I passed this on to her the first week she was here, and yesterday got a reminder that they have not heard from her yet. she has already made arrangements to get appliances delivered then and doesn't want to go...I did not volunteer to do it for her, but I will if she asks me. I suggested she ask Beth. She sent an email to Kerri, asking her to ask the interns. Kerri asked me what to do. I said the board did not want us using interns to represent the shelter. She will probably go, but we'll see.
I worked on reimbursements and usual stuff. At 3:30, I drove the truck to Ray's office and we went home. We let Cu out to play some, even off the leash. He will chase a ball or a stick, but not bring it back. He doesn't really come when we call him, but he doesn't run off. Zoe continues to defend her territory, so it's not surprising he doesn't want to come be attacked. He doesn't love being in the crate either. He seems quite affectionate, but naturally nervous.
Ray made a fire and brought in the laundry, jump started the car, and restarted the water heater (I assured him it was not going to freeze again, at least this week). It had leaked in the basement and he called the installer and talked to him for awhile. He will come fix it, maybe next week. It is only a problem when the weather is cold and we turn it off.
I made supper and we ate quite early. I was watching TV by 7...and in bed asleep by 8:30. I had some back pain all day and couldn't do much except sit on the couch, so I guess I needed to sleep. ?
Dairy Free Alfredo Sauce
This dairy free Alfredo sauce recipe is the most luscious emulsion made
with a base of cashews and olive oil packed with cheesy umami flavor from
miso an...
1 week ago
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