
Saturday, July 4, 2009

It's cool and lovely again this morning. I need my slippers on. With the windows open, there are birds twittering, a rooster now and then and a neighbor's dog barking. It's definitely morning at 6 am and I wouldn't want to waste this pleasant time of day. But I went back down to watch the rest of I am Sam (even though I had seen it before) after I tried to go to bed at 10--it wasn't over until 11:30 and I thought I could sleep a little later today. Ha! If I don't have a little nap this afternoon, I won't make it to the fireworks.

We (mostly Ray) worked some on fencing the strawberry patch, so I will set them in this morning and hope for rain. There's only a 10% chance forecast.

After lunch, I spent some time on my plan for my budgeting class. I made some progress, but like so many things, there is as much work to do as I am willing to put in time. I realized that my last class is Friday night and I had been planning to go to Fripp Island with our friends Friday afternoon. I emailed Sara Ruth to see how she felt about doing the presentation without me.

Then I made supper, we ate it, watched 4 hours of TV and went to bed.

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