Admittedly, this is not really a hat, but a fur collar.
Today I take the test to see if I qualify for scoring 8th grade essays. I started training on Monday and I thought it might be easier this time. My accuracy is hovering around 50% now and I need 60 or 70 to pass. I can take the test twice. I have a few more practice essays to score first. If I pass, I can start grading about noon and switch from $10/hr to $.55/essay. I struggle with trying to figure out how to match my ratings to the expectations of the training. Yesterday I decided it was like the force in Star Wars--trust the force, Patty! You can't do it completely scientifically. You have to feel if the essay is a 3 or a 4, based on a score of 1-5.
Weather here is warmer, but foggy, misty, drizzly, cloudy. Ray turned up the heat this morning because it was not quite warm enough in the house...and I hadn't started a fire.
Captain's seedlings are coming up--boy choy and other cabbages now.
Class last night was a little less stressful. It is interesting. I enjoy the camaraderie. I feel very behind, not knowing anything about the field of instructional technology, since this is my first course.
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