Broccoli doesn't mind frost |
Yesterday morning it was just above freezing. We took a quick walk and then Ray headed out. I drove myself to the doctor. She checked my blood pressure again and asked me about the medicine she had prescribed. I haven't gotten the prescription filled yet. I was hoping it was a temporary thing and my blood pressure would have gone down some, but no such luck. The cholesterol medicine seems to be improving that. And I am still pre-diabetic (which is good in the sense that it has not gotten worse). It is mildly frustrating for me, because I feel like I am being really careful with what I eat and we walk every morning, sometimes more than others. But it could be worse. I need to find that prescription, start taking it and then get my blood work done again. Sigh. She did say there is no evidence that eating eggs is bad for your cholesterol and I should eat as many as I want to.
But zucchini does |
Then I spent about an hour at the Arch. Adam and another guy were there at first, but they left and no one else came. I was meeting Janna and Becky for lunch, so I left, although I felt bad. We ate at Earth Fare, not my favorite fun place, but Janna needed to meet in Five Points and is being careful about what she eats. They are excited about Molli's wedding.
Captain carved a jack o'lantern |
About 1:30, I remembered that yesterday was the last meeting of the writing workshop, until January, and I was supposed to bring something to eat. So I grabbed some chocolate-covered pretzel Christmas trees and took them with me. When I walked in, one of the women asked if I was going to read more of my story. It was nice, it was like having grandchildren or some other enthusiastic audience. Several other people read first, and then I read another chunk, maybe 10 or 15 minutes. They were very supportive and think it should be published. My friend Deb said it was scary and one or two others agreed it was very timely. They like that it is a future history written from a woman's point of view. I haven't really written about any violence, and I am not sure I can make anything really bad happen to my characters. It isn't finished, but I have written more than I read. I need an agent or mentor to advise me on what to do with it. Make it more dramatic? Include more descriptive detail? Should I have a publisher before I finish writing it, so I know my audience? Anyway, it really made me feel good. Somebody said, "we'll be able to say, 'we knew her when...' when your name is up in lights." I don't think authors, even very successful ones, often have their name up in lights. But it was nice.
Ray met me at the class and we drove home. My Dad was there and he hung out for a little while...actually he hung out my laundry for me and read the paper and we chatted a bit. He told me about the rehearsal schedule for Christmas Carol, starting Nov. 7. Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday--I think. He has a small part, but is really looking forward to it.
I made a frittata with about all the eggs we had, chard, zucchini, bell pepper...it was delicious and filling. We had baked potatoes, too. I talked to Molli and Amelia some more about the wedding and then we watched a bunch of TV, while I unknitted the poncho I had started. It is on circular needles and I had gotten it twisted when I started, but it was hard to tell until I had knit about an inch. Now it should be right and I can knit it again. Ray wound the purple yarn into a big ball.
I slept through until 4:45 and then when back to sleep for an hour or so. That's good. I did remember my dream, but it's gone now.
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