The fun continues. We observed "buy-nothing day," and did not leave Kenney Ridge (until evening). Some of us slept really late and the day got off to a slow start. I made Amelia's favorite breakfast, an oven apple pancake. It was ready when she (and Leia) came downstairs. Ray had his even later. We had a walk. Captain came and did laundry and ate leftovers with us. We played Wits and Wagers, a trivia game that also involves betting on whose answer is right. One of the fun things about the game is that you all try to answer the same questions. They are cafefully chosen to be something that has a right answer, but that most people will not know, but guess at. How wide is a balance beam? What is the highest recorded wind speed? Sometimes I'm way off, but I think I won this time.
I finished a library book that was due. That's right, I lay on the couch in the sun and read for an hour or so. Amelia did some more work outdoors. The chickens managed to get under the porch again, but hopefully she has now made it impossible. Stay tuned.

As my Dad was leaving, Amelia's friend Becky and her 3-year-old daughter, Loretta, arrived. They wanted to see the pigs and other animals and pet them. We all rode in the pickup truck over to Karen's. Captain dropped us off and went home. Ray and I fed and watered the pigs, while Amelia closely supervised Loretta (and Becky took pictures). Ray and Nancy M. and two of their (adult) daughters were also wanting to see "the farm." Kevin and Kasey arrived as well. I headed home on foot. Becky & Amelia and Loretta came back to the house with K&K (in the car). Loretta had the run of the place (under Amelia's careful eye). She tried to play with the cat, unwinding balls of yarn all over the house, especially around and around the kitchen counter. She also enjoyed cracking pecans and bringing us each bits. The rest of us (not Ray) played Wits and Wagers--Kevin won.

When they left, I was feeling pretty sleepy. It was starting to get dark. I had a very light supper of turkey and green beans (from the freezer), while Ray and Amelia had pastitsio. We all took our baths (or showers), which we had somehow managed not to do earlier.
Then we went to the movies! The dollar theater was showing 50/50. It was very good. I liked it a lot, although it is sort of a comedy about being a cancer patient. Seth Rogen is not my type, crude and profane. But I really like Joseph Gordon-Leavitt's character (biting his fingernails), and the portrayal of waiting rooms and doctors' offices was excellent. It was pretty much ruined for me, however, by the very unprofessional therapist. She was supposed to be a doctoral student--I guess she was doing her practicum--on cancer patients! And she would have had supervision, in theory, but we never saw any evidence of it.
When we got home, Amelia headed over to Kevin's. Ray and I stayed up a while longer. I was a little keyed up for going to bed. I knit some and ate ice cream through 3 shows and went to bed after 11. Sorry to say, I stll woke up a little after 5...
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