The best-laid plans...I meant to get things done yesterday. I didn't go to the Occupation, with intentions of writing and vacuuming...

It was rainy, which was good, and plenty warm enough, so being home was not unpleasant. I spent some time on my computer and worked some on the tabouli for potluck. My Dad arrived about lunchtime and we ate some leftover pork and mashed potatoes (and peppers). Then I had a call from Five Star Day; they had burned a batch of beans and filled up the Pig Food Bucket, so I said I would be by soon. Well, I could have driven the Prius, but since my Dad was here, I had him take me to town when he headed back. Ray had driven the truck (and filled it with gas), so I took it downtown to get the pig food. When I went in and he handed me the bucket, it looked awfully heavy. He was kind enough to carry it around the corner to the truck for me. Lesson learned: I must plan to have some muscle with me when I pick up pig food. Then I went to Ray's office and waited for him to be ready to head home.

At Kenney Ridge, we stopped to give the pigs their windfall. Fortunately, it wasn't really raining, but the yard was pretty muddy. Ray wasn't dressed for pig detail and got a little cross. Then we went to Nancy's and picked up the cage with the two additional chickens that she is getting rid of (possibly to be called Beauty and Bess--they are black). At home, I let the "old" chickens out and the conversation among them was intriguing. I am not sure who is going to attack whom... Today, I have the black chickens in the tractor; so far they have not been with the others. I am waiting until they settle down (?). And these aren't used to being loose, so I will have to figure out how to get them trained to come back at night. Heavy responsibility. No eggs so far.
Then I took my bath and washed my hair, which had been on the list, but hadn't happened yet. Now it was at least 3:30...
Potluck and choir...I fell asleep during the last half hour or so, dropping my music on the floor, unable to stay awake. I had woken up at 3:30 or so and not gotten back to sleep, been fine all day, but suddenly could not keep my eyes open. It makes it hard to sing. I would have left, but Ray is in choir too, and there was no reason he should leave. Glad I didn't have to drive myself home! Needless to say, I went right to bed and slept a good 8 hours.
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