new chickens |
It was a little cool in the morning, so I tried to think of what I could bake quickly. I wanted to make muffins to take to the Small Group Ministry meeting, but had no eggs. I went to check the coop, just in case, but no eggs. So I found a recipe for whole wheat biscuits that I made and warmed up the house a little.

Amelia was up in time to go for a short walk with me to the Community Center (Cedar Commons), to think about having a wedding there in the spring. Then I zipped over to the small group meeting and enjoyed it very much. Looking forward to hosting here in a couple weeks. Talked a little to Deb and went to pick up Janna for lunch. We met Amelia and had a nice time, eating outside! Amelia went to get the Captain and buy some wood at Lowe's. I went home.

We all worked outside some in the afternoon (well, Ray dozed on the porch). There were chickens and a dog and a cat (inside). Captain and I were weeding some and Amelia was putting lattice around the porch, which looks nice and will keep the chickens out eventually. This was the first day I had let the black chickens range and they seemed to enjoy it. They didn't fly away or wander into the woods, but stayed close to the coop, avoiding the other chickens and Cameron. Getting them back in was a trick. Ray did it. First, we lured with corn. The gray chickens followed us. We tried to herd the black chickens after them, but, of course, they were afraid to come in after the gray ones. He had to wait until the gray ones wandered out again and then herd the black ones and the gray ones after. I went to feed the pigs--I even had some things from Five Star Day! Apparently, no tomatoes or onions for pigs, but I need to research this more. My Dad is taking a bucket to Porterhouse, so maybe some really good stuff there.
Amelia went to Atlanta with Kevin to pick up his good friend Adam. Ray and I had a nice dinner from the freezer and a quiet evening in front of the TV. I did work some on the guest list, too.
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