Well, that was not a very good night. Ray's cold had him up and down a few times and I had trouble getting to sleep for a number of reasons. Now I think maybe I am getting it.
Yesterday was very cloudy and foggy and not nice at all. In the morning, when I took Cameron to the mailbox, there were frozen drips on the trees, but they were thawing. The temperature was just above freezing, and it went up all day. We had a fire in the stove and at first it was not really putting out enough heat, but by evening it was pleasant.
Captain and Vanessa took trash to the dump in the foggy wet weather and it seemed like a long time before they came back. I was trying not to worry. Ray was wrapping and packing Christmas presents. I made another kind of bread, but it didn't come out quite right--burned on top and raw underneath.That's what happens when you try to bake in the toaster oven.
After lunch, Ray went to his office and I went to the post office. Did you know you can't ship packages in liquor cartons? So, the package he packed and sealed and I was supposed to mail couldn't go to his mother and brother in Oklahoma. I did send off a couple other packages for him. I love book rate! It was $11 for two packages, including the envelope and address labels.
Then I went to Earth Fare and bought some groceries, and a few special things for Christmas, like mixed nuts and chocolate-covered pretzels. They were giving tastes of roast beef and it tasted pretty good. They want me to order now for Christmas--only $10 a pound. I did buy a pot roast. While I was in the store, my cell phone rang. The appliance repair people confirming that the control panel for my oven cannot be repaired. Did i want it back? Yes, I want it reinstalled so I can use the burners for the holidays anyway. I haven't quite given up yet. I am in communication directly with Thermador, but don't have much hope. Time to call someone to come up with a plan to replace it.
Picked Ray up and went home about 5 and continued working on the spaghetti sauce I started earlier. It was kind of a strange recipe, calling for milk and wine. And hours of cooking, which I didn't have. We ate it anyway about 7. The hot plate takes longer to heat things up. Then I fell asleep almost immediately, possibly due the old-fashioned I had before supper. When I woke up and went to bed, though, I finished my book and then was wide awake for hours. Go figure.
Dairy Free Alfredo Sauce
This dairy free Alfredo sauce recipe is the most luscious emulsion made
with a base of cashews and olive oil packed with cheesy umami flavor from
miso an...
3 weeks ago
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