Jeez! Are they crazy? The place I used to work, the one I poured my blood, sweat, and tears into for 18 months, where I handled all the finances up until 3 days ago...changed the locks on the doors. You know, how they are having money problems and they decided they needed to spend money on that, so I wouldn't sabotage everything I worked so hard on. Give me a f***in' break! As Ray said, "it is so insulting." However, it actually made me laugh, it's so ridiculous. It suggests a level of paranoia that is hard to comprehend and a lack of understanding of me that has obviously been going on for months. I do feel stupid, that I could work so closely with people who had no clue about my behavior and motivations, who would chat about their lives with me and then not return my phone calls.
I went to the dentist yesterday morning, to take advantage of my dental insurance before it expires the end of the year. I had never been to Dr. MacRae's office before, but they are one of about 3 who are "in-network" for this plan. It was amazingly awesome. The technician, Natalie, did a lot of hard work to clean my teeth, after she took digital x-rays, including a full-mouth scan. She showed my that my jaw was fine, among other things. She even looked for oral cancer warning signs and found non. Dr. MacRae is not Scottish--well, not obviously. He is dark black and very tall. He looked at everything she had done and looked in my mouth himself and found one filling on the x-ray that he thinks needs to be replaced because it is "leaking." Both of them actually looked at the paper I had filled out in the waiting room, unlike some places. We chatted some. And they were able to make an appointment to do the filling next Tuesday, before my insurance runs out and before my company comes.
Meanwhile, Ray was getting his hair cut. He came and picked me up. M. had asked me to call the shelter when I was coming, "so they could have my things ready for me." She wasn't there. I left a message on her cell phone, but went on and turned in my keys and credit card and picked up a couple things. My key didn't work! I left my things with Jaron and asked him to have her call me.
She hasn't returned my call yet. Apparently, she is terrified of me? I was just going to remind her about a couple of things she should be doing. Honestly!
After that, we stopped by the bookstore on Clayton St and gave him a few books and albums. We now have store credit for used items of over $30. And some of our things will be bought by someone else! yay!
After lunch, Ray and I went and met with Bob Carson about our "investments." We have a few IRAs that are in different accounts and not really being managed by the person who is currently making money off them. He was very nice and very smart, giving us information about the economy as well as good advice. He says we are "under-saved." WAINS. I suppose the vast majority of people are. The amount in all our IRAs, etc., will not help us much. Ray's retirement is what we will have to live on and he will need to work until he is at least 65, depending on how much we need. I feel really good about our decision to work with him.
We went to Joann Fabric and got some more little rings for the insulating shades I am making. The really cold weather is motivating me to get them done. Ray picked up a few things at Kroger. It was about 4:30 on Friday and starting to make me antsy.
At home, we made jambalaya on our hot plate and ate it. I was falling asleep on the couch watching Jeopardy. We went to Barnes & Noble, where the Fellowship was making some money wrapping presents. They had three people, although one went home when we got there. I might have wrapped two things in the time I was there, but I did look through a lot of magazines, until I was once again dozing in my chair. Ray took me home, stopping by Publix to get rid of our accumulated styrofoam. He went in and got some sherbet for my parents and picked up Klondike bars, too.
It was about 10:30 when we got home and I went right to sleep, not even opening a book. And slept until after 5.
Dairy Free Alfredo Sauce
This dairy free Alfredo sauce recipe is the most luscious emulsion made
with a base of cashews and olive oil packed with cheesy umami flavor from
miso an...
3 weeks ago
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