At 11:30 yesterday, my boss called a staff meeting. She handed out a new organizational chart. There is no assistant director on it. She is supposed to meet with each of us individually to give us our revised job descriptions. There is a finance manager position. Do I care what my title is? Not really. But I would like more responsibility, not less. I don't want to be a bookkeeper. Writing checks and preparing financial reports would not take me 20 hours a week. I am trying not to panic and obsess...I really like my job in a lot of ways. Yesterday, I spent an hour ordering Christmas gifts on line because I had nothing else to do.
Meanwhile, Ray was vacuuming the house within an inch of its life. We cleaned up the study so people could go in there if they needed to. We even tidied upstairs a good bit, but no one did come up here. Vanessa put greens on the mantel and set up the angel Advent wreath. We had about 30 people. We got the Kenney Ridge plates and silver from Karen Porter's garage and washed them. We used real plates, real silver, real glasses and real napkins! I put out lots of water glasses, but nobody used them. Very few people had soft drinks. We had about 2 beer drinkers. But we went through 11 bottles of wine, mostly what people brought.
It was really fun and the food was great. R.J.'s parents were here--his Dad is active on the committee now, so I heard about him a little. He has a job at Borders, at least for the holidays, which lets him pay his share of the rent. Ann D. was there--I really like her. Of course, Nancy T. came early and helped set everything up. Jenny, the president. Glen S., student and mayoral candidate. Nancy D, the new mayor. David J. was the first to arrive, with spicy dip and corn chips. An older gentleman from another county named David, who talked a lot to my parents. Anita and Barney, Mac and Brenda. James and his young friend Serenity. Randall and Carolyn. Tom and Lacy. Mehul from the Russell Edwards campaign, and very late after many had left, Russell and Airee. They wolfed down the food. They are so fun; they are heading to Puerto Rico for 10 days today. As they were leaving, Airee said she wanted the couch (the brown love seat). I said she could have it. She said tell me how much. I said you would know better than I would what it's worth. She is going to be looking for a corner cupboard to trade. She said send Amelia around, she will give her the family discount.
People said how nice it was of us to host and what a beautiful house. They want to come back in the day time...
Glen is starting a business helping people use texting for marketing. The older Camp boy just got a degree in Appropriate Technology. His parents may send him to talk to me. They know George.
We all had a great time. Ray got one load of dishes started after they left. It was still before 11 when we went to bed. I fell asleep instantly when I tried to watch TV, but then lay in bed worrying about my job. Don't know that there's much I can do. Except be glad I have a job and try to hold on by my fingernails until I retire. My father retired at 55. It seems so young now. I can't imagine never working at all.
Dairy Free Alfredo Sauce
This dairy free Alfredo sauce recipe is the most luscious emulsion made
with a base of cashews and olive oil packed with cheesy umami flavor from
miso an...
3 weeks ago
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