
Sunday, July 31, 2022

Summer Sunday

It's my favorite time of day--morning. It's cool enough that the sun streaming in is pleasant. Most of the windows are open. Birds are tweeting. Bacon is sizzling and I'm getting ready to make pancakes with fresh blueberries. I'm flabbergasted that everyone isn't up, enjoying this pleasant time before it gets too hot to do any of the things I want to do. There are hours before I will go to church--which I don't have to do if I don't want. This time of year, church is sitting in a park looking out at the water with some of our fellow parishioners, listening to one of us talk about something, singing a few songs (not always well, but with feeling). 

Later in the day, Ray and I will visit a few houses for sale, getting an idea about where and how we might like to live, maybe for the rest of our lives. Tomorrow, I'll drive to Newburyport to work, maybe the last August 1st I'll work, maybe the last August 1st I'll work in Newburyport. We'll see. 

I have nothing I have to do, nowhere I have to be...except...Must use up those fresh home-grown tomatoes and not let them go to waste. Must go through 50 years of papers and throw most of them away. Must do some of the various tasks I volunteered for...but for now, it's quiet and cool. 

Monday, July 4, 2022


 Our 22-year-old has friends visiting. It's great, I love that she feels comfortable inviting people here and her friends are generally pretty well behaved. They are in the backyard now, waiting for the 5th member of their group (not sure how they are going to fit 5 in the small car). They are listening to music, playing some kind of game, probably drinking and smoking cannabis. They're a little loud, but they're more or less appropriate. We live so close to our neighbors that I hope they're not upset. It is 3 in the afternoon, so not really anything to object to. It's 86 degrees and I'm impressed that they're not huddled in the air conditioning. It may have to do with the fact that they can't smoke in the house (300-year-old wooden house makes it pretty much imperative. I'm not a fan of candles in her bedroom either). She bought them some drinks and snacks. It's been too hot to bake, so no cookies for them.