Yesterday morning (and every morning), I walked the dogs out to the road to get the newspaper. This time of year, I head out when it is dark, although I wait until it is almost light, as long as I can, because i have to be eating breakfast at 7 and in the tub at 7:15 in order to leave the house at 7:30. It is interesting to leave the house in grayness. The solar light (the one that still works) is a small spot of brightness. I can't see the chickens in their coop. Sometimes the dogs want to stop there, but I encourage them to leave the chickens alone. Sometimes I hear their soft chirrups as they shift on their perch. Cameron ranges around me, disappearing and reappearing. Sometimes I hear Zoe panting behind me, sometimes I don't see her again until we get back to the house. On this occasion, there was a moon still up, casting my shadow as I walked along the path. At the end of the street was a brightening sky, so that as I headed back, it began to compete with the moonlight and my moon shadow to the right was replaced by a fuzzy shadow to my left. The grasses and trees began to take on some color. When I got home, the solar light was out and I could see Ray in the lighted kitchen working on breakfast. I gathered the dogs in and fed them and gave them water and returned to my indoor life.
We worked on getting an appeal out. Instead of the third quarter newsletter, Meredith decided to send a mailing to all those individuals we have not received money from, asking if they want to update their contact info and stay on our mailing list--and send us a contribution. We are hoping for enough money to help out with our cash-flow crisis. We will also purge our mailing list based on the information we get back. The new software is supposed to make it easier and save us money. It didn't this time, but I learned enough talking to the man at the bulk mail center to help me next time. If we create bar-coded envelopes or labels, we can save half a cent per letter. That's $5 for 1000, so I don't feel too bad that I didn't get it right this time. I ordered 3 new twin mattresses for room 6, which has been empty for a couple weeks. It had to be professionally cleaned and exterminated and repainted. The curtains are washed, the beds need to be repaired. I need to buy pillows and sheets on Monday.
This morning I dreamed of a homeless family, someone who used to work for the Shelter. Usually I don't. The news of the economy and the difference between the haves and have-nots is really pervading our lives. I have read about a coming revolution; I hope we can change things without killing people.
I went to the bank and picked up some fish tacos for Kerri and me. The traffic was crazy, the Friday afternoon before a home game.
I picked Ray up before I went to the bulk mail center to help me carry the trays. My back did not like sitting and stuffing envelopes. Then we went to play racquetball, got all dressed and ready, but no courts. We waited for a while, then decided to swim. The pool was crowded too, but we got a lane. The water was really cold and my foot cramped up. We swam for 10 minutes and then went to take a warm shower. They were getting ready for a kids' swim meet in the big pool--brought back the memories.
We were home before 6, feeding chickens and dogs and lugging water from the rain barrels to the really dry plants. I did find some nice-looking beans to pick, as well as peppers. Looking forward to some time in the garden this morning and cooler weather and rain tomorrow and next week. Yay!
We had watched a couple of hours of TV by 9, so went up to read and fall asleep. Very peaceful and calm.