Then we left in two cars, because my Dad was planning to go home directly from the church. Molli and Adrian rode with him and left a little before us. They stopped to get coffees on the way. Ray and I got there 2 minutes late and saved 5 seats together. It was a special Hanukkah service with a klezmer band (one of the reasons Captain wanted to come), and it was pretty full. We kept watching who came in and telling them they couldn't sit there. At quarter after 11, Ray went out to call them and look for them. He came back with Molli and Adrian and Captain were behind them. Turns out, after they got the coffee, when they were already late, he announced he needed to stop by his house to leave some lettuce he had picked (so it would stay fresh). Ray and I tried not to let it get to us, but really...
It was a fun service and there were lots of people there that Molli knew (Meredith and Le'Ann, George K...). We chatted until we were about the last ones there. My Dad took off in his car and we went to Publix to get a few things...milk is apparently something Adrian drinks a lot of and there was none at my house (that wasn't sour).
The walkers come back. We eat our delicious meal and get ready to rush off. We stop to feed the pigs. Ray wears my Dad's overalls over his good pants and his rubber boots. I watch from afar so I don't get dirty.
We drive to Town & Gown. It is about 10 after 5. Other people have set up the concessions for me. Ray and I running the box office for Hedwig and the Angry Inch. This is a show Molli and Amelia introduced us to 5 or 6 years ago. Our friend Nathan is playing Hedwig and we are excited. Amelia texts me. She is done and will meet us at the show. One of the glasses got broken, so she has two cases of new glasses to replace it. One was too short and squat, one was too tall. The show is well attended, but not sold out. It is a Sunday night. We are a little disappointed, although the music still rocks. Hard for amateur theater to compete with a movie we have seen.
We want to go to the Grit. We drive there in two cars, park and walk to the restaurant, to find it is closing at 8 for a private party. We go next door to Graze, but it is not the same. In fact, we think Amelia's black bean burgers are fermented. They give us coupons for a free dessert (next time) in apology. We drive home. I have a nice hot toddy and some dessert and watch Wheel and Jeopardy. It is after 10:30 before we go to bed. Molli has done all the dishes. Amelia is going to bed too after her long day. She has brought us two cartons of glasses, about a dozen each, that were rejected by the shoot. They broke one of mine, so gave me all the rejects...the next day I clear out some cupboards to make room for all the glasses.
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