Better, but sore and nervous about doing anything that might set it off again. Ray went in for a little while; it was reading day. My Dad came by after his performance. It went well, but he is tired and thinks he is coming down with a cold. He begged off the rehearsal last night so he could go to bed at a reasonable hour. He had me make him tea with honey and lemon (and bourbon) and rested a bit before he went home to eat and sleep.
I wanted to make cookies, but there were no eggs. I kept going out and checking. I let the chickens out, although it was dark and rainy. I had the impression they wanted me to do something about it. I made a chocolate eclipse cake for potluck. It was still warm and delicious and very well recieved. They didn't know that it has no eggs in it and not much fat and uses sour milk. I finally found a cookie recipe with no eggs that I mixed up and put in the fridge to chill. I will cook them as soon as it is light.
Ray was home for lunch, just after my Dad left. At 5:15, we got the chickens up, took the trash to Nancy's, fed the pigs, and headed to potluck and choir. Watched a little TV, knitted a little, and went to bed about 10. Slept well until 5:30. Freezing out this morning.
Dairy Free Alfredo Sauce
This dairy free Alfredo sauce recipe is the most luscious emulsion made
with a base of cashews and olive oil packed with cheesy umami flavor from
miso an...
3 weeks ago
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