Another fun and busy day, but I was very afraid my back was going to give out, so had to try to take it easy and still get things done!
We were somewhat taking it easy in the morning--I put some bread to rise and was looking at cookbooks and reading e-mail, when suddenly it seemed we would be late for pilates. No walk, left the bread rising, but got there in time. In fact, there were only four of us and it was really good. Ray told Amanda about my back issues and she did a lot of good work on it. She said when it "goes," it's usually not the triggering event, but something in the previous day or two (like sitting in the Classic Center for hours).
We went by the Farmers' Market and it was surprisingly busy, with more things than you would expect. I bought some sweet potatoes and some small eggplants. Keyshona Armstrong was playing and I really liked her.
We ate some delcious leftovers for lunch. Captain was there; he has lost his free internet connection. I think the student who was "giving" it to him is gone home, but will hopefully be back in January. He did some laundry too, but was too beat to hang it out. He went home and I hope is feeling better today.
Ray and I buckled down to getting ready for dinner guests. I baked the bread and started the soup by soaking and cooking garbanzo beans. We tidied a lot and then we went to feed the pigs. When we got back, I picked some lettuce and spinach, which he washed for me. I worked on the soup some more and took my bath. We told them to come at 5:30, because it is so hard to find us in the dark and dark is early now. Ray cut up the cauliflower for me. I finished the soup, except for the tomato that went in at the last minute, which I chopped up ready and waiting. I got the cauliflower started and they arrived. We took just a minute to glance at the chickens and the gardens and then they came in. It was pretty warm in the house from the sun and the cooking.
They brought some wine and an appetizer--brie and cherry paste with little toasts to eat it on--delicious--and they helped us with the rest of our preparations. Well, Barbara did. Ray and Robert spread cheese and cherry paste on toasts for us and filled our glasses. She was an excellent helper. She peeled and cut up the apples for the apple crisp, while I mixed up the topping. We got that in the oven and she grated the cheeses for the pasta. We put the soup in the tureen Amelia got at Thanksgiving. I had already set the table with the Christmas plates and glasses, napkins and utensils. She filled the glasses with ice and water. Ray served the soup and put the pasta on to boil. I cut up some fresh bread and put it on the table with butter. We had a lovely time. Everything was delicious and not really stressful. We played a round of Wits and Wages between dinner and dessert and Barbara beat us all badly. I think Robert had 4 points, I had 3 and Ray had 1. We only played about 4 questions--Barbara must have gotten 4 points on every one! A genius or just really lucky? She is someone I knew from Mothers' Center years ago who has started coming to the Fellowship in the last year. I had never met her husband. Their oldest child is Molli's age. We talked about everything. He is a professor of Forstry. They spent a year in Australia a while ago. They live out of town, toward Watkinsville, on 30 acres, in an octagonal house that I can't wait to see. They have platned pecans and fruit trees, too. Never had trouble with deer until this year, amazingly.
They left about 9; it seemed much later, and I went right to bed, not from exhaustion, but to protect my back. They wanted to help with the dishes, but Ray said no. He didn't do much, though. I think he was asleep before I was. I woke up at 3:30, but managed to sleep a little more before I got up at 5:30. It still aches, but I am not as worried about it now. We'll see.
Dairy Free Alfredo Sauce
This dairy free Alfredo sauce recipe is the most luscious emulsion made
with a base of cashews and olive oil packed with cheesy umami flavor from
miso an...
3 weeks ago
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