Wow! What a difference a day makes! We had 2 1/2 inches in our rain gauge the last time I checked, more than enough for the garden for a week, so no watering for a while! I know the reservoir is up some too, but we are probably still in drought. All the veggies and trees are so happy and green!
Yes, I went to stand at the Arch for a couple hours, in the pouring rain. I did not take my chair and I did not knit. At one point, we were down to three people with umbrellas. There were soggy signs and leftover food containers with rain in them, chairs with puddles of water...not a pleasant sight. Waterfalls dripping down the steps. It's hard to imagine what impact it had for me to be there. Certainly, the young people who were there appreciated me being with them. Perhaps it helps them know that older people care too.
A little after noon, I headed to my car. I was pretty cold and wet. I needed to use the bathroom. I was parked near my bank, SunTrust, and I needed to make a deposit. So I went in and headed for the back, where I thought there was a rest room. A young woman asked if she could help me, and when I explained, she said they did not have public rest rooms. I repeated that it was my bank, but she insisted that I could not use the bathroom. I told her I was closing my accounts. And I thought it was probably illegal. Man, that really frosted me!
My friend Becky met me for lunch at Sweet Peppers deli, where I got warm and dry (and used the bathroom). I had soup and quesadillas and it was pretty good. She brought me some pomegranates, too.
At 2, I went to my writing workshop and enjoyed it very much. We read one poem that made me cry. Ray met me there and we drove home, doing a couple errands on the way, and picking up the Captain's car. He arrived safely in Seattle, by the way, delayed about an hour, but with no major problems.
We made a stir-fry with the last of the pork and some peppers and carrots and onion. It was awfully tasty with brown rice.
I had wanted very much to go hear Janisse Ray, one of my heroes. But I opted to audition for Jesus Christ Superstar instead. I hate auditioning and I'm really bad at it. The man who is directing it has never picked me for anything else. The group was all younger than me, by a lot. Many talented young people. But I love to sing and I love Superstar. And they are having what they call a Pit Choir, so I could sing and not be on stage. I was number 34, and there were more the first night. And more after me. I did not dazzle with my singing. Ray helped me choose: Consider Yourself At Home...from Oliver. Something I could sing a cappella, but really not that well. Anyway, I did it. I did not get called back. sigh. I can sing Superstar to myself as much as I want..
Back home, I treated myself to ice cream and TV.
Dairy Free Alfredo Sauce
This dairy free Alfredo sauce recipe is the most luscious emulsion made
with a base of cashews and olive oil packed with cheesy umami flavor from
miso an...
3 weeks ago
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