I think I can say I am completely well. I often have minor background digestive problems, so it is hard to tell the difference.
Beautiful fall days--hot and sunny in the middle of the day, cool and dry at night. Sadly, no rain. But the Captain has been watering and our garden is producing well. Watering restrictions are in place for lawns--only once a week before 10 and after 4. Vegetable gardens are exempt, so far. We keep a plastic tub in the kitchen sink and catch the water we use for rinsing dishes and other kitchen chores. It's interesting how much I use, just to rinse my hands, for instance. This water goes out to the plants near the porch. Sometimes Ray uses a pan or cup measure to scoop it and fling it into the garden.

Yesterday, I went in with Ray to the Occupy Athens protest. I brought my camp chair and my knitting, as well as my iPhone and iPad and I was there for four or five hours. It was exhausting and at the same time uninteresting. Of course, there were many interesting people there, some too interesting for my tastes. A few that I knew, like V., who used to attend the Fellowship when she was small, and Will, Molli's friend from high school, who came over and introduced himself to me and asked about her. There was a young girl (12), who was attending her first protest. She is home schooled. She said they just moved here from Myrtle Beach, "so she could be with people like her." She said she had no friends there...Chris Fricks with her youngest...but many many students/young people. Some with pink hair, piercings and tatoos. Other people who were strange in other ways--one with a brain (plastic) around his neck...one who kept spouting about calling Steve Jones to ask him to investigate the millions that were supposed to help solve the poverty problem in Athens and went to university professors instead...
I left about 4; the crowd had thinned and I began to question if there wasn't something more useful I should be doing. I made some food for the Kenney Ridge potluck--I guess building a community is important...Ray joined me there. I played with the children some--Miles, Solomon, Ada--frisbee, pushing her on the swing (until she fell and wanted her mother)...we cleaned up and went home. TV and bed, a good night's sleep.
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