I took him straight to Aderhold, just in time for class, and then met Andy for a picnic on north campus, where the wind ensemble was playing. It was fun and the weather was really nice. I was a little cool sitting in the shade wearing shorts.
I picked him up again after class and took him to the Geology building for a lecture. While he was doing that, I spent a little time at my Dad's, making his bed for him to come home to and bringing in the mail.
The big event yesterday was the Hootluck (Hootenany/Potluck), an opportunity to sing folk songs together impromptu. Deb and John hosted and there was plenty of good food. I brought plates and utensils so we didn't use disposables. John made sure mine got in the dishwasher first so they were clean when I brought them home. That is how to be green!
When I got home, Ray was asleep. I am a little worried now that I might catch it, if it's not food poisoning. There were a couple other people who had called Deb and John to say they were sick, so there must be a bug going around and if he caught it from them, I am likely to catch it from him. Oh, no!
The good thing is the weather has turned cooler and we even slept with the windows closed. I didn't hear any barking dogs or anything else and slept well.
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