It was very hot again yesterday, with a little thunder and clouds late in the day, but no rain.
We walked over to Nancy's to check on her chickens and collect the eggs (4 of them).
Blueberry pancakes were tasty.
The big event of the day was the service at UUFA. Ray and I went before 10, just to make sure there was nothing that needed doing at the last minute. Mary Jean was the coordinator and she took care of everything, except that I led the congregation in singing Family Tree, instead of a children's story. And Ray and my parents and I talked instead of having a sermon, telling family stories. Appropriately titled, "We Laugh, We Cry...", as my Dad twice became emotional and had to pause, explaining to the listeners that "we cry at card tricks," which is a family saying. The service was well-received, with many positive comments afterward, and people wanting to tell their stories too. It was not very well attended, although at least one person came because she wanted to hear us. This July has been all lay-led services and quite sparsely attended. The minister will be back next month (today) after her study leave and attendance will pick up.
Ray and I had lunch at the Golden Dragon with a few others from the Fellowship. It was enjoyable and we tried not to eat too much.
After that, the rest of the day was kind of unfocused. It was too hot to be outside at all and we had nowhere we needed to go. I spent some time finishing a novel I had started reading the day before, some time on the computer, and I did make some bread that rose in the fridge overnight and is now baking. I was quite restless and wanted to be doing something productive, but couldn't quite decide on what. I filed the reciepts from this year that had been in a pile on the floor and went through some other old papers, but didn't really feel I had accomplished much.
We ate salade nicoise for a light supper and splurged on small servings of ice cream with bananas. We watched too much TV, including Astro Boy.
The other big news was Amelia and Kevin's move from New York to North Carolina. I was thinking of them and she called a couple times to report on their slow but good progress throughout the day. By 9 last night, they were safely in Durham, with a truck full of possessions and a very unhappy cat.
Dairy Free Alfredo Sauce
This dairy free Alfredo sauce recipe is the most luscious emulsion made
with a base of cashews and olive oil packed with cheesy umami flavor from
miso an...
3 weeks ago
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