I was at the Land Trust before 10 yesterday and worked 4 hours or so. I brought leftovers from the night before for lunch. Nathan asked me to work on the mailing list and print labels for a post card to go out soon. Philip, a student from Germany, helped me. He is an excellent worker, especially with anything using the computer.
After work, I went to Kroger and got a few groceries. The grocery store was a hard place to be, reminding me of my Mom. I guess she is often in my head when I am shopping. Then I picked up Ray and we remembered we needed raisins to make oatmeal-raisin cookies. I wasn't sure we had some at home, so we decided to stop quickly at Earth Fare and get some. Yoforia is a relatively new yogurt place next to Earth Fare. We have been several times in the last week or so. Frozen yogurt is apparently better to eat than ice cream, if you are worried about diabetes and cholesterol. I am not sure it is okay to eat in unlimited amounts. It is also fairly expensive. This time we only spent about $5 and lots of it was the fruit toppings.
While I was in Earth Fare, I met a woman I haven't seen in a while, who talked to me at length. She was very nice...sorry to hear about my Mom, volunteering at the Homeless Shelter garden...her Mom had Parkinson's for 7 years before she died. She is finishing up a degree at UGA and will be able to go anywhere after that. Her youngest child is in his second year of college. Don't know about her husband/their father, but he is not in her life apparently. I was a little jealous, although she is stressing about the papers she has to write, etc., before this all happens.
After that, we went home and I made a frittata for potluck. It was Ray's turn to doze. In addition to 12 "yard eggs" from my chickens and nancy's, it used herbs from the garden, the last of the cherry tomatoes, and local cheese from Madison (via the Farmer's Market). It was a big hit, even though we were late for potluck and there wasn't much else to eat. I'm not sure how there could be a full table and only 4 or 5 dishes in the kitchen.
After choir rehearsal, a little TV and bed.
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