Ray had a bad headache yesterday morning, so stayed in bed. I picked a few things in the garden, including chard for supper, and foudn dodder. Dodder is like a horror movie. It is just tendrils, no leaves or roots, that wrap around the plants and choke them. I put it in the burn pile and my Dad burned it, but it hwas been in that same part of the garden before. It must be in the soil. I washed the chard, one and a half pounds of it, and cooked shrimp for dinner.
I went to the Land Trust and did a small amount of work. I had lunch with Becky (and Lara). She is getting ready to go to California and work, with a horse trainer. I went back to the office for the staff meeting. They have hired a Housing Program Assistant, who is an attorney and former intern. I feel used and abused, having put in so much time for free, and being told there was no money to hire anyone. Six months I've been working there. I went home, since I wasn't doing anything anyway, and Ray was home. I bought some yogurt at Daily Groceries, $5 for the cheapest kind they had, but I didn't want to go to the store. It was convenient, and local.
When I got home, I peeled the shrimp and cut them up, as well as some tomatoes. My parents came back to get their laundry. They hadn't had any lunch, so I gave them leftover potato salad (they added mayonnaise) and a few other things, including peaches from the garden.
I did some work on my computer and Ray and I ate dinner late and watched TV.
Dairy Free Alfredo Sauce
This dairy free Alfredo sauce recipe is the most luscious emulsion made
with a base of cashews and olive oil packed with cheesy umami flavor from
miso an...
3 weeks ago
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