As consciousness returns, I open my eyes and take stock. I glance at the clock. 6:04, yes it is time to be awake. Out the window, the light is returning, the sky is gray but brightening and the moon is no longer shining in. The air conditioning has started blowing, set to come on at 6 on days that the temperature has not naturally already dropped to 78. This is probably what nudged me awake. Thoughts begin to come more quickly. There is nothing urgent in the front of my consciousness, nothing I have to jump up and do (except use the bathroom). A little more sleep might be good, but it does not usually turn out that way for me. I might miss something wonderful if I went back to sleep. I take stock: a little ache in my lower back, my shoulders, but nothing bad. These are my familiar morning companions. How is my emotional health this morning? Pretty good, no big new hurts. I am not as enthusiastic as the birds, who are starting their day with lively calls that I can hear even through the closed windows. But I am cautiously optimistic, guardedly hopeful. It could be okay. Yesterday was pretty good, So far it is a good day.
We took a short walk in the morning, in order to get going in good time. I had to be at the Land Trust at 9 to meet a new volunteer. He turned out to be amazing, 10 years experience in landscaping. He did all the lawns on my list in one day and asked about donating some landscape design. He has a degree in permaculture, an awesome fit for ALT. Another young man came at 10 and he helped Victor for a couple hours. They are both coming back next week. I talked with Nathan about what work they could do then. I spent most of the day driving the lawn mower from place to place. Victor apologized. "I tried to work more slowly, but I am used to gettting paid by the project, where it's good to be fast." The air conditioing on the old van that was donated to the Land Trust doesn't really work any more and the temperature hit 100 again yesterday. It was hot. I was wearing jeans because I knew I would be involved in moving tools. In the end, Victor said he could get the lawn mower and weed eater in his little SUV, so I didn't have to go back to the site. In between, I didn't get much done. Entered a few names in the database.
Picked Ray up at 2:30, went to Earth Fare. It was raining and thundering and lightning. We were hopeful that it was raining at home, but when we got there, we were disappointed. We took in the laundry in case it started, but no such luck. I made some tabouli using tomatoes and a cucumber and herbs from the garden and let it chill while I spent time with my emails.
We enjoyed potluck at UUFA. There were 8 of us and enough good food and conversation. With no choir rehearsal, we were back before 8. I made it through Wheel of Fortune and part of Jeopardy before I fell asleep. The bed felt better than the couch and I finished my book before going to sleep again.
Dairy Free Alfredo Sauce
This dairy free Alfredo sauce recipe is the most luscious emulsion made
with a base of cashews and olive oil packed with cheesy umami flavor from
miso an...
3 weeks ago
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