A really upsetting thing happened yesterday. My dog bit a little boy I had invited to my house. I was foolish to let the dog in the house with him and foolish not to stay right with them at first. I turned my back and left them and Soli cried out. Cameron had bitten his hand. One tooth made a deep puncture wound that bled a lot. I scolded the dog and put him in the other room and spanked him with a newspaper. I put alcohol on the wound and a bandaid. Soli said it hurt a lot. I offered him cookies and even let him watch TV. We played with some of the games and toys, setting up marble races and starting a game of Carcassonne. He didn't want to leave when his mother came. She did not get hysterical, but called me later to check that the dog was current on his shots, which he is, of course, thank goodness for that. Soli's grandfather is a doctor and he is starting him on antibiotics to make sure it doesn't get infected.
Other than that, I took Ray to his office in the morning and then picked up Deb for our small group meeting at Heather's house in Watkinsville. We were there a few minutes early, so that was good. I had prepared some quotes and discussion questions about poverty, but it is a pretty broad and difficult topic. People seemed to enjoy it, though. I told the group about my job interviews and they had mixed feelings, because I will not be able to go to the group if I get a full-time job.
I took Deb home and went to Add Drug. I had a cheeseburger, but no fries and no milkshake. I was planning to write the names on the invitations going to Mexico, but couldn't get theknot website to come up on my phone. It was too slow. I waited while they made my cheeseburger and I ate and 10 minutes more, but it didn't load. So frustrating. I already had a large yellow envelope addressed to Molli's co-worker in California. The Mexico invitations (8 of them) went in the envelope, as well as a silver pen, so Molli can address them herself instead). It was important to get it mailed...There is a truck that goes from California to Xalapa once a week. Hopefully, it will make this week's truck.
Then I went to the sleep doctor for a 1:00 follow-up. He looked at the data from the machine and said, "it won't work if you don't wear it. It's like medicine." I told him I was gettng better, but I sometimes pull it off in my sleep. If I am a good patient, I only have to see him twice a year, but I have to wear it forever. He can give me a full mask, with chin straps, so it's harder to take off. He suggests I wear it 30 minutes or so during the day to de-sensitize myself. He wants me to take nose drops, to enlarge my nasal passages.
I went home for a half hour or so and then came back to pick up Soli. And you know what happened when we got home. After he left, Ray called and I went to pick him up. We had supper at the Globe, fish and chips for me and a croque-monsieur and a small salad for him.
I went to a Federation of Neighborhoods meeting at 7:30. There were speakers from three organizations I am familiar with. In the audience was a man I knew from the Department of Labor, Fred S. He says any job is better than no job and we shouldn't keep business away. Linda L. says a job that pays $7.25 an hour is worse than no job. I wanted to ask him where they could live if they are making $7.25 an hour. His son, Joseph, asked about Molli and Amelia. The Whatever It Takes project sounds like it is doing some good. They trained and empowered "local leaders" and they are working from within the community, even though Athens did not get a follow-up grant. The budget for this program, on the federal level, was cut 85%, so only 5 grants were given for 5 years for less money, instead of 10 for 10 years for 10 million dollars each. The audience was smaller than I would have liked.
We watched a little TV, but I was really sleepy and went to bed soon. I didn't wear my mask.
Garlic Breadsticks Recipe
Raise your hand if you want garlic breadsticks from scratch using my fan
favorite pizza dough recipe. Soft and fluffy center, crisp crust and extra
2 months ago
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