Yesterday was crazy weather, lots of rain, thunder and lightning, but the sun was out some too. We were under a tornado watch, first until 1 and then until 8 pm, but the Facebook page said the shoot was on, rain or shine. Maybe the director thought the weather would make it look even more authentic.
Ray and I were having breakfast and sitting around and the next thing you know, it was time for me to go. I didn't even have time to take a shower. I decided what to wear--a top of Bertha's that looked 60s to me, a shortish black skirt, my boots, my black raincoat, and a funny old hat. The big black umbrella we had was good, because it could be from the 60s, whereas the yellow and blue one that said IKEA on it could not.
As I drove downtown, there was no one on the road or downtown. I could see people walking toward the meeting place, the 40 Watt Club. I was maybe 5 minutes late. There were about 50 people there, I guess, black and white, young and old. Mainly college students, but another woman about my age and two teenagers. We waited, with our umbrellas, while the young assistants said, "we're almost ready" and "five minutes more," over and over. People were excited. One woman and her granddaughter went on and on about the movies they had been in: How much fun Dolly Parton and Queen Latifah were to work with in Joyful Noise and how Jennifer Lopez would not get wet and they had to spray her hair with something to make it look wet in What to Expect When You're Expecting (really, they made a movie out of that?)...
Finally, we followed a young man across the street to a block that was closed off. They gave us signs (all uniform, the same writing on the same kind of paper--not realistic in my experience). Mine said "Freedom Now." Some people had done a great job of looking authentic--old glasses, slicked back hair and period clothing. One young woman removed her nose ring. The director was filming with a hand-held camera and trying to get them to turn their heads so it wouldn't show. He asked one of the granddaughters to take the feather out of her hat, but she couldn't, so just took the hat off. Another girl with braids was told that was not authentic, but I wore my hair in braids about that time. We marched down the street over and over, in groups of three, changing who was in front and chanting and singing. Some volunteered to be accosted by three "policemen;" middle-aged heavy set men in white shirts and hard hats. They looked like Georgia Power executives to me. They had batons. One shot had a group of people kneeling in the street praying while some were dragged away. I did not volunteeer to kneel on the wet pavement, mostly because I wasn't willing to possibly ruin the skirt I was wearing, but also because it would hurt.
After about an hour, it started to rain harder again and he let us all go. Look for the documentary, "Before the Memories Fade" and you might see me in the crowd scenes. Click here for the Facebook page. I was tired and cold and wet, but still had to go buy some groceries. When I got home, I got right in the tub and then had leftover Tamale Pie for lunch. I even took a nap after lunch, a rare occurrence for me. I woke up to the phone ringing and I couldn't even figure out what that noise was, I was so sound asleep. It was my Dad, letting me know he was headed my way. I got up and did some work on the computer, reconciling my credit card statement. We talked for a while and he helped me wind up a ball of yarn. I mixed up another batch of wedding punch to take to Deb's birthday party. I'm saving some for my Dad to taste. Ray got up and showered and quickly made a salad. Then we got ready to go and stopped by the pig pen. I did not get out of the car--I am sure it was nasty down there.
We had fun at Deb and John's. Becky and Kent beat us there. Becky had made two cakes, including one with flowers in the middle, like my Mom used to make for my birthday. (violets or lilies of the valley). Janna brought some sauteed veggies: kale, cauliflower, etc. John made a delicious pork roast with roast potatoes and wonderful gluten-free gravy. The meringues I brought were a big hit. I am definitely using them for the dessert night next month.
We were home about 10:30, but then I stayed up and finished my book.
This morning there is heavy fog again, kind of neat-looking.
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