I was pretty excited most of the day, although somehow I didn't get a lot done. Ray and I walked--overcast and wet again, more mist than rain. I took him to work and then picked up my Dad and drove him to the computer store, where he bought a refurbished laptop (a Mac, of course). I brought him back to my house and he experimented with it, to make sure he knew how to do the things on it he uses: internet/e-mail, solitaire, and writing. We had to buy Pages, a word processing program, but it was only $20 from the App Store. I didn't realize the App Store was available on the computer too. So, most software is now available that way. The biggest problem we had was the length of time it took to download. After a while, we noticed a tiny blue line that was getting longer, so we knew something was happening. I gave him leftover chicken and offered cauliflower marrance, but he didn't want it, so I ate it all. There wasn't much bread, either, so he finished that up.
I worked some on the wedding on my computer and made a mince pie. It was too hot for him to take home when he left, but he will eat it today. He cut up some fruit to make fruit salad for me, which he will also take some of. Then I took him home, wearing my pig clothes, so I could feed them on the way back. Their yard was pretty yucky, my boots sunk in to the mud, but I didn't fall down at least. The pigs are not as well-trained as Cameron, but they kind of move when I tell them to get out of my way and act like I mean it. They will eat out of the buckets before I dump them, if they can.
The problem was, I was supposed to interview a student that wants to go to Middlebury--at 5:30. It was 5:30 while I was at the pigs, and I had to go home and change my clothes and drive 5 miles, so I was at least 20 minutes late. I felt really bad, and didn't have a way to reach her.
She was a delightful young woman, cute and interesting, wtih dark hair and glasses. She is taking a ton of AP classes, wants to be an interpreter and go to grad school at Monterrey. She plays violin, writes poetry and composes music. She has been speaking out in favor of the Dream Act. Because, it turns out, she (and her parents) are undocumented. They are very poor, they aren't allowed to have drivers' licenses (she thinks she can get one in VT). Her Dad is a photographer and works painting houses, etc. Her Mom works in a convenience store. She has two younger siblings who were born in the U. S. They come from Durango, where she has older half-brothers. How is she going to get financial aid, if they accept her, at Midd or anywhere? They can't fill out the FAFSA, which I think is required everywhere these days, or send copies of their taxes. I was crying as I drove down the road when I left. I was in shock. What can I do, how can I help? First, write up my interview so that she gets accepted.
I met Kent at Cine, where they don't have any real food--popcorn and cookies and lots of great drinks. I had orangina. Ray arrived shortly and Becky while we were watching the previews. It was fun to watch the movie with them. We sat in the back row and there weren't a ton of other people there. The movie was Carnage, which is an adaption of a play. All the action takes place in one location, so you can see how it would have been a play. It's really very funny, with great actors, including Jodie Foster and Cate Winslet. Of course, we were hungry afterward and went over to Ted's, where we got salads. Becky and Kent split a pizza. I had beet and spinach--yum. We left about 9:30 and went to bed when we got home.
Dairy Free Alfredo Sauce
This dairy free Alfredo sauce recipe is the most luscious emulsion made
with a base of cashews and olive oil packed with cheesy umami flavor from
miso an...
3 weeks ago
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