Wow! That day actually went by in a blur. Too fast, too much.
Amelia went to pilates with us. Both she and Ray got up too late to really eat breakfast and we went back and forth about going, but it was great. It had been about 6 weeks since we had gone and it was harder to do. Also, I think I am gaining back the weight I had lost.
Then we went to the farmers' market and bought some squashes and lettuce and cheese. We talked to lots of people we knew.
We got home and showered and ate some food (leftovers) and jumped in the car again. I drove Ray and Kevin and Amelia to the football game and dropped them off and went to the Fellowship for Larry Hamby's memorial service. There were lots of people there setting up and plenty of food. Pat Adams was mostly in charge, but she had helpers from the Fellowship and Larry's writing groups. He was apparently something of a foodie, which I didn't know about him. I had agreed to watch Calvin and Lila, so I didn't actually hear the service. Amber was singing a solo. Larry had written everything down. He wanted "Down to the River to Pray." I stayed and helped with clean up, but there wasn't much. Pat had gotten paper plates and plastic cups, so Hank didn't have much to wash.
It was a little after four and there wasn't much more to do. I had a messge on my phone that they were ready to come home. The trick was driving through the post-game crowds. Amelia said to pick them up on Lumpkin Street by the Tate Center. "Really?" I said. "The Tate Center? Are you sure?" I suggested turning on Cedar, but Ray said the traffic wasn't that bad. It was pretty bad, but an hour later we were home, and I got to see all the young women in black and red minidresses and cowboy boots.
My Dad was at the house. He had spent two hours at the callback for A Christmas Carol and then come over. I was pretty tired and Amelia and I had planned to make a casserole, so we had to get on it. It was pasta with eggplant, ricotta and cheeses. Kind of like lasagna with homemade sauce. It would have been fun if it had been earlier in the day and I hadn't been so tired. Then Janna called and she and Ron stopped by to see Amelia and bring back our bowls and such. So it was after 7 before we ate, but it was tasty. The Captain went home, although I invited him to spend the night. I hate for him to drive after dark, especially on a game night, when there might be people out who had been drinking.
We watched some TV, even though that is not Amelia's favorite way to spend time. The three of us on the couch, pretty nice.
Dairy Free Alfredo Sauce
This dairy free Alfredo sauce recipe is the most luscious emulsion made
with a base of cashews and olive oil packed with cheesy umami flavor from
miso an...
3 weeks ago
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