I baked ginger snaps I had in the freezer. Five dozen for Janna, a few that were a little burned on the bottom I kept. I wanted to make Cowboy cookies as well, and a rice salad, before I left at 9. I couldn't find the recipe for a while, and I needed to wash some dishes to get to the big bowl I needed. But I finally did all that. I even took a really quick showere while they were in the oven. When I left about 9:30, the last batch was still in the oven, turned off. I left the rice on the stove turned off too.
I had voluntneered for the Water Festival at Sandy Creek park, from 10 - 2, but they wanted me there at 9:30. Well, I was about 15 minutes late, but it wasn't a problem. The first kids didn't come until closer to 10:30. My job was explaining the water cycle and showing them how to make a bracelet of it: blue for rain, yellow for the sun, which evaporates the rain and turns it to water vapor (clear), white for the clouds, and then blue again... There were probably more than 100 kids and they seemed to like the activity pretty well. There were five actitivities they could get check off and earn a blue armband. Some schools had told kids they would get a homework pass if they did. The organizers gave me free pepperoni pizza (2 slices), and I filled my water bottle again and again. It was very pleasant at first, but by the time we left, it was really hot and I had a bad headache. My Dad had been and gone. I rested some, but then I had to make the rice salad to take to Janna's.
I managed to arrive at the funeral home before 5, while they were setting up the pictures, just in case they needed me to do something, but they didn't. There was a power point of old and new pictures too. They had been chooseing pictures, scanning them and putting it together all day. There was one quite recent pictures of Bertha smiling by the Golden Gate bridge that they had enlarged and put near the urn. The visitation was definitely worth doing--there were nearly 100 people, I think, but I was surprised there weren't more. People from Holy Cross, College of Education people, friends from OLLI.
Becky and I left a little early to go set up the food. We were ready and I was having some wine when they arrived. They exclaimed over and over about the great food. Becky had brought ham and turkey, plus potato salad and fruit salad, and blueberry cake. Debbie Valentine made a huge delicious lasagna. Deb Brenner made a big pot of lentils. Pat Waldrip brought some couscous salad. There was plenty of food and lots of it was vegan and gluten-free. The times, they are a-changing. I also brought some homemade bread, as well as rice salad and 8 dozen cookies. We talked and laughed. I said I had to go about 9:30.
Went right to bed when I got home, falling asleep over the book I am reading, Birth of Venus, set during the time of the Medici.
Dairy Free Alfredo Sauce
This dairy free Alfredo sauce recipe is the most luscious emulsion made
with a base of cashews and olive oil packed with cheesy umami flavor from
miso an...
3 weeks ago
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