The day did not start very well. Ray went to give platelets and my parents came to do laundry. I took my Mom to her class at the Y and went on to the Land Trust. There was nobody there and nothing for me to do, although I still had my iPhone and it is a pleasant place to be. About 12:30, when Nancy and Heather arrived, I left to meet Becky for lunch. We had a lovely time and Deb joined us (after we were done).
I bought Bumble and Bumble shampoo and conditioner and grooming cream. The Salon is fun--Becky bought some earrings and they have some great purses for under $50. Then we went to Bed Bath and Beyond and bought some things. (I bought a silverware divider for my parents--their drawer is really small and I think this one will fit). Becky bought me a special kind of towel to dry my hair that Katie recommended. Deb went on home and Becky and I went to the mall. She was looking for a glass container or cookie jar to put dog biscuits in on her kitchen counter. There was one she liked at Macy's ($43 half-price!), but she wasn't sure. We went to Belk, but there was nothing much there. Except it was time for the Clinique Bonus. So I bought lipstick and liner and got free mascara and a bunch of other stuff. I have to figure out how much makeup I want to wear for this interview, not too much so I don't feel like a slut. Maybe I can not bite my fingernails until after the interview, but I don't think I can lose 10 pounds by Tuesday. Not and maintain a shred of sanity. As Becky pointed out, I lost some weight just getting my hair cut! I never thought of that.
Ray was already home when I got there. We talked about going out, but decided to eat leftovers and stay home. I watched more than three hours of TV and didn't fall asleep!
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